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  1. Quick question while we wait for more news, what happened to promobricks with their leak coverage? They used to have really good articles and frequent updates to their upcoming yearly lists but they've been very quiet with their list not being updated often enough. It's more blog and nikki content related now, did they lose their sources or get hit with a warning from LEGO? On topic, I feel like the last anniversay minifigure could potentially be a villian, we have 3 heroes (5s, baby leia and cal), an antihero(saw) and a villian (malak) so far so having something like a ventress variant or a character of a similar character arc as a potential figure lineup (though I would love something like an OG crosshair if lego wont make bad batch battlepacks and sets with desirable figures) Also excited to see the droideka and remaining sets post summer. The wallet feels great pains with such an exciting year, especially considering the UCS ATAT + Razorcrest are retiring later this year :/
  2. Cant seem to find it anywhere
  3. Hello mods. I would like to change my name as I do not want this forum to show up when people search my username. Can you change it to something like nutella or whatever is available? the name isnt important I just dont want this to appear on search results
  4. Unhelpful vague statements are also not productive. I know people don't like this sentiment but im glad more people are speaking out about this. I'd rather the discussion be dead than filled with aimless speculation about a very open ended remark by someone who was claimed to be reliable. It happens every year on these forums with the same counter arguments I stand by my point and will drop this topic to discuss credible information that comes out
  5. 100% with you. Its always done for clout, cm4sci and many others acted the same and were also as credible. Theres always someone willing to prove they could get the same prelim images with enough digging and connections. If someone is being vague to protect a job then don't say anything, fake information has been spread to pinpoint inside leakers. Otherwise give an obvious pointer through a reference, not this blue certain vague stuff
  6. Honestly its more towards lego builds on general being less exciting and more adult display model oriented. I really enjoyed sets like the different star wars huts and the new movie wave sets (upto solo) as they all had a layer of exciting builds and interesting figures. Now besides collecting cool minifigs (i.e. clones and/or desirable characters), lego sets have come out very bland and I only find myself floating towards things like UCS sets on discount or sets like the blacksmiths house which lego hasn't made another comparable set to
  7. Everyone keeps referring to a discord as their main information source, what discord group is this?
  8. Do you think they'll actually be a big difference in printing or will bly just have a visor vs the regular assuming this is true
  9. I said "if" and "hopefully" chill
  10. No one talks about the builds but the bunker set sounds cool with the ability to integrate the battle pack builds in. Can't wait to see if we get thrawn and ezra in a set next year, hopefully with the imperial gunship build Also hope we can army build wolfpack and kashyyyk clones within the coming year or so Shouldn't this discussion move to the 2024 thread now?
  11. Crimson firehawk is a January set. Besides that we have a bunch of unknown sets that should atlwast have 1 or 2 release in January. Has anyone here bought the Christmas themed limited run set? Is it worth the 25 pounds?
  12. Still want to see the BP personally. Its the only set I intend to not exclusively bricklink figures out of. And this is coming from a guy who enjoys building sets
  13. Surprised no pics have leaked yet given January waves sets release in 2 months and some stores definitely will stock them in mid-late December. Really want to see the battle pack and the collectible minifig line releasing in the march/may sets
  14. Mygeeto clones would be nice too. Id want wolfpack to feature first before anything else.
  15. We had P2 geonosian battlepacks when the six stud shooter launched.
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