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About 1Panda

  • Birthday 07/12/1998

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    Collecting Lego sets and CMFs and building MOCs.


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  1. I’d like to see a humpback whale one day but arctic wolves sound good too
  2. I think if we get two regular series in 2026 one will probably be a themed series at least that’s how it’s been in 2022 and 2024 so I’d expect them to do that again but of course this is Lego and they seem to like setting patterns then completely abandoning them as they please with no explanation
  3. Ashnflash has his review on YouTube if you guys want a good look at them. I’d say the wolf pack guy is even better in person than in the pictures, the bogeyman face looks weird from the side view and the jet pack racer’s faster prints will be very useful for other figures, overall I think they all look a lot better in person than the renderings.
  4. Probably the same person that came up with “grandma visitor” “vampire knight” and some other honorable mentions
  5. I can only vote for one but there’s about 5 others that I really like too
  6. I agree they should not take a CMF spot that is a tragedy and seeing that most people do not want these they’ll probably be discounted for a reasonable price and because I’m probably the only one here that actually likes them enough to buy them thats a win for me… but not much of a win as I’d still rather have series 28 instead
  7. Yeah that dragon looks good
  8. More pictures from series 27 leaked the cat is new
  9. More pictures just leaked! The cat is new
  10. Do we know the set number for this series yet? I don’t remember seeing it anywhere. I assume it’s 71048 ?
  11. With the how to train your dragon sets coming and a new shrek movie I think a dreamworks series could happen in a few years but for 2025 I think it will either be marvel or Fortnite
  12. I wonder if the new cape design will have the Wolfpack logo in the back? and the Cupid’s face with heart eyes is something that I’ve wanted to see them do for a while and I think that will make that figure more desirable not sure why the wolf is about the same size as the normal dogs but it does look more beefy I’ve also noticed that every figure has at least one new part except for the steampunk guy that I can tell I wonder if that’s a sign that the next rumored F1 series will have less new parts…
  13. I’d guess another Disney series and a Fortnite series for next year
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