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Eurobricks Knights
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About sirslayer

  • Birthday 07/06/1972

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    42112 cement truck

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    California, Usa
  • Interests
    Astronomy, Model airplanes, Drones, Lego's and Robotech


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    United States
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  1. I did!! My mistake !! Please omit 3:3 off.., 16:10 24:6 6:4 7:3 22:2 23:1
  2. Lego Technic 42136 suspension mod and ladder. After many months at the lab, our engineers (me) have figured a suspension mod and ladder add on to the tiny awesome set. It still retains the engine and 4x4 mod and it adds just 1 brick of heights and fixed all other issues I had before . This video is just a demo with the engine block removed to show how I was able to do a tiny mod from before and of course the ladder. I can use the front suspension and copy it to the rear diff but it might be better just having the suspension on the front diff only .. Coming soon motorized with motor and batteries in the trailer with PTO hook up to drive the tractor and steering The full version currently Mini 4 piston engine with engine detail and radiator Full time 4x4 drive train with diffs Oscilloscopic suspension on front diff . Hummm.. what else ??
  3. You’re right!! I’ll fix that my friend!! Oh man!! I forgot to turn the rear tire !! At least that you can steer and the tires won’t touch!!
  4. Holy moly!! I love building and creating in that small scale!! It’s beautiful, the rear engine detail is top notch and very cleaver design!! Best in class..
  5. The turntable for now is to provide the turning pivot and in a future revised I need to raise the rear top lid section by one brick to fit the steering mechanism.. I just wanted to show a working prototype !! But I just received the Technic 42139 yesterday and I’m building in a awesome model B
  6. Lego Technic 42136 4x4 mod and engine.. This mod maintains the original build to the best I can design with the original wheelbase and height. It’s only 1 brick longer due to rear differential design. Features: AWD 4x4 drivetrain Mini 4 cylinder engine Detail engine with radiator https://youtube.com/shorts/f5LFYIMXChs?feature=share
  7. @XTN Great job on the cement truck @SaperPL I love the small scale models and they look like they're fun to operate!!
  8. Here is a Lego 42112 mod I've done using fenders from the Lego set 42098.
  9. Thank you @CrazyKreations here is the video on the suspension
  10. I've done a RC small scale Semi truck. Mini engine and full suspension and a sleeper in the back!! The other truck is my version of the Lego 8273 RC 6x6 off-road with mini engine and suspension and the features from the 8273 Lego Technic 8273 by Victor Mendoza Jr, on Flickr Lego Technic 8273 project by Victor Mendoza Jr, on Flickr Lego Technic 8273 project by Victor Mendoza Jr, Lego Technic 8273 project by Victor Mendoza Jr, on Flickr Lego Technic 8273 project by Victor Mendoza Jr, on Flickr Lego Technic 8273 by Victor Mendoza Jr, on Flickr Lego Technic 8273 by Victor Mendoza Jr, on Flickr Lego Technic 6x6 off road truck by Victor Mendoza Jr, on Flickr
  11. I love science and math.. I also know there are other AFOL who fits this bill... Technic Brick Power!! he is good on teaching math on his youtube videos!! Stand up and don't be shy and reply!!
  12. I asked on the previous page if we can use bricks or other elements to transport instead of using balls. The concept is called Material handling.. Here is a Google link https://www.google.com/search?q=Material+handling&oq=material+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j69i59j69i65j69i60l2.1125j0j7&client=ms-android-sprint-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  13. @Jim. !!!!! I assumed that a no ... Only balls are allowed
  14. @brickless_kiwi thank you for the advice!!! @Jim how about using bricks and other elements as material to be handled and moved around !!??
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