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Eurobricks Vassals
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About CorvusA

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  1. Hello, I present my entry for BDP Series 5. A caravan with two wagons, one for selling products and the other for the creation of potions. A tree with a functional swing and a small island with an ancient statue. I have tried to add as many npus and strange techniques as possible. Opinions are welcome, if you like it and want to support it this is the link -> https://www.bricklink.com/v3/designer-program/series-5/1818/Alchemist's-Caravan. Thanks potion drinkers!
  2. I'm trying the Assets.lif file from the installation folder. In the roaming folder there is no Assets file, only the "db" "palette". Is strange because the LIFextractor should open that, but no.
  3. Dman, there is not any other way to access to that file?? Btw, how could I solve the misaligned pieces issue when I import a LDD file in Stud.io?? Since a couple of years, some of the latest molds give me that problem.
  4. You mean the file Assets.lif?? Im trying to open it with LIFExtractor like with the parts files but doesn't work.
  5. Thank you!!. That's what I thought sadly, didnt find any notes with open codes with that info so will be probably locked. Is really annoying because I use LDD and Stud.io in 50/50 so sometimes I find it chaotic LOL
  6. Hi, I know that this is not strictly about custom parts but... does anyone know if its possible to change the controls like for example the movements keys? Changing them from the default arrow keys to A W S D like in Stud.io. I Know that there is not such option in the preferences tab but maybe in the code somewhere in the LDD Folder??
  7. Hi, does anyone know if its possible to change the controls like for example the movements keys? Changing them from the default arrow keys to A W S D like in Stud.io. I Know that there is not such option in the preferences tab but maybe in the code somewhere in the LDD Folder??
  8. @Follows Closely Thank you!!
  9. @Slegengr Thank you so much, those bartizans are my fav parts. about the first and second floor, unfortunately dont have interiors due to the complexity of the loopholes/door. But I though that if someone wants more habitable stuff, could design a custom floor and add it to between the 3rd floor and the upper part. You know, a lot of people loves to custom the sets, and the goal here is to offer that option. Even the full movable ballista could be added to a wagon.
  10. This is my entry for the 4th round, a very detailed defensive tower with several elements such as: a improvised stable, a crossbow in the upper part, a habitable floor, etc. The number of pieces is 2991 and it has a modular system so each floor can be built separately. It can even be extended from the 3rd floor. Very easy to build and many possibilities. I hope you like it and if you want to support it (Voting and commenting your feedbacks) -> click on the link below. https://www.bricklink.com/v3/designer-program/series-4/1379/Ballista-Tower
  11. Could be possible to include this piece in the next update?? thanks in advance. 3396
  12. Thank you so much for the new update
  13. Thank you so much for the new update!
  14. @Stephan Im searching the *.g file for the 79393 piece in your Github and I dont find it, there is only the *.xml file. Did you uploaded it?
  15. its OK for me having it as a normal piece (without the flexibility) so if you can add it to your Github I can manage to take it from there until you release it with the flexibility in the future. Thanks in advance
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