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  1. The large diving ship doesn't have a figure with a captain's uniform :S. I was really looking forward to that. Perhaps these ships have scientists instead but it would have been nice to have one : )
  2. The pictures are awesome~ They have the four traditional friends in the set : ) and I like how the HQ opens up but also functions as a boat. It's also interesting to note the cloud that the Monkey King flies on seems to be used as a hinge to hold the two halves together :D !! What an interesting theme. I see they're going really hard trying to do good PR in Asia.
  3. The underwater dive base is a great addition this year. The biggest complaint from deep sea undewater explorer's in 2015 [Thx Brandon Pea : ) for the edit] was that the base was completely open underwater (https://brickset.com/sets/60096-1/Deep-Sea-Operation-Base). Lego fixed that this time around by placing three separate capsules. I think the photo showing the detachment for the underwater base simply demonstrates that it is modular. You can reattach them anywhere and expand upon them with multiple sets as well. There is probably a way to break open the wall with the attachments so that the minifigures can move between capsules with modifications. It's impossible to compare these with Aquazone of course. Neptune's Discovery Lab in Aquazone had an underwater dome with two gaint seascape pieces and a sub with fueling tank station, crane, and separate underwater capsule station is hands down the best underwater set ever made in my opinion. Having said that, this year's summer 2020 is one of the strongest showings ever of all the diving themes. The medium submarine with great interior space, the large ship that's actually two 2015 ship pieces put together and all the accessories from mini sub to ship to crane to giant shark etc. I also loved how they minimize the shipwreck in the large ship set. There's no point in building a giant sunken ship and wasting all the bricks into a sunken ship I hope they plan to release more later on. Recently, just about every town subtheme has been a blast from artic, jungle, volcano to dive themes : ).
  4. 60224: The ship looks the shape of a triangle. I'm so pleased the windscreen isn't the typical one piece shuttle/airplane windscreens of previous shuttles we see in all sub themes of city. I like the addition of the small satellite to work on. The astronaut has golden visors again but I'm not liking the space suit jet pack at all - they reused the space pack again from set 60080. I really don't like the hallow technic hole behind his head that allows for attachments because if you don't attach anything it looks like he has a giant hallow tube on the back of the head. I wish they could find a better solution to this because it really does look off. However, I like the orange accents to the black and white. We finally have a true new Lego inspired shuttle : ). This one should be quite popular.
  5. Are the space leaks still live?
  6. I'm hoping for Nexo Knights to end as soon as it can but I have a feeling it won't. I fear it will become Ninjago. I prefer Ninjago because it fills a niche that we're always missing out on - Ninjas and samurais etc. However, unlike Ninjago........Nexo knight destroys TWO EVERGREEN themes - space and castle. Both of these themes are a pivotal reason why AFOLs exist in droves. With Nexo knight (knight in space), why would Lego make a third space theme alongside star wars? Why would they continue with another castle theme that contradicts Nexo knights? And this is the issue. They will breed new fans of space knights? But they will disappoint a very important demographic - AFOLs. It's imperative that in order to reach and sustain popularity with a large fan following that they rotate themes in and out and not alienate fans of historical western, castle, and space themes. I just hope it comes sooner than later so I can say good riddens to the space knights.
  7. They should do a Nexo Knight goes back 2,000 years theme. Re-envision them back in medieval Europe. I see a giant waste of great space elements in Nexo Knights. At least there was Benny's spaceship for classic space :)
  8. Thank you for a fantastic review. I love the clear images you took and how you posed the dragon. I also like that you have all the sets together to show us the entire antagonist side. It looks like a great set to get and now I'm probably going to buy it when it comes on out here. Here is wishing Elves a long and successful series : ). Great Review!!!
  9. As a castle fan, I'm all into fantasy themes such as this; however, I fear that the dark tones bring too much of a gloomy atmosphere for the otherwise colorful cast of cheery characters. I hope that they go back to the vibrant positive tones from the first and second waves. I wonder if they can expand this theme beyond having the antagonist be dark and hateful. Perhaps they are just trouble causing goblins that steal in order to feed their people. Wouldn't such a story line be the complexity necessary to challenge the minds of young builders? It would bring a sense of depth to the story line and allow the expansion of other cast members like fairies into the mix without making fairies dark and evil themselves. Regardless, I am happy about the theme overall and hope this next wave with goblins prove to be a giant success. That image of the goblin king is magnificent : ).
  10. It a hospital guaranteed though?
  11. By how you talk, 90% of our American goods are trash. So are our iphones? Anyways, I find it weird that there are so few shore troopers in the upcoming sets. They really should do a battle pack for them.
  12. Happy with the rebel pack for sure. Can't get enough of those guys. Not so happy seeing the regular stormies in the BP. Would have loved to have more variety. I hope the figures are serious prelims though because the death troopers have an oddly round helmet. I don't get why they make big iconic ships into microfighters though. I prefer them as army builders.
  13. When will these prelim pics show up?
  14. I knew they wouldn't do Japanese cars. I'm not sure how easy it is to obtain those licenses. Zelda, Mario, and all Nintendo related products don'the seem likely even given its popularity.
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