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Eurobricks Vassals
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About cowboyspeedy

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  1. it looks verry good i hope you will enjoy your truck like that
  2. thanks for the solution for the antenne it was driving me crazy every time the were falling of the truck
  3. that is true to there is not a greater feeling when you get it done on your one. but if you are lijke me just a beginner with this than it is hard to do that but i am glad that the ''fight'' about this is cleared now and i hope to that Jay can make that model
  4. but the response you made at his question sounds other wise and then you get the same response you don't want to see if you just told him that the first place then people like me don't say stuf i did so i am sorry for that
  5. i am not worreyd but i find it a shame that he won't help you because i got the help i wanted with building my truck and i am verry happy with it but i will never understand people who post a new kind of model from the truck and won't help others to build the same one i would be proude that people want to build my model
  6. and i tought it was a forum to help each other out if we can and not put them down to the ground i think jay43_ew is write and you only don't want to help
  7. i had already found that site . but wich one is the one with the moter for the stands on the site then ? or is that the one with the 20 foot container ? with 5 moters in it?
  8. now waiting for sombody with a solution for us
  9. hello Effreman i have a question for you . can you tell me where i can find this lfx for the trailer ? because the one i have now from you is with out the a machine for the stands from the truck going in and out before you lift the box from the truck you can see wat i mean at the video at 1:06 min i hope you or sombody else can help me at that lfxor pdf
  10. ok thanks for the reply now all i need to know is how many of these rc's i need for the truck and trailer
  11. Hello i am new here on the site and i must start on building the truck with the mods on the site but to move the truck et after the container trailer what is necessary ? one remote control (8885 or 8879 of lego shop ) for truck for the trailer (885 or 8879) Becouse this will be my first lego with a rc i hope you can help me with that so i can order the right controler for the jobs greetz from cowboyspeedy
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