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About legodac

  • Birthday 02/03/1962

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    Gormley Ontario
  • Interests
    Lego, Miniature Modelling, Writing, Building, Camping,


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  1. Lego didn't drop the ball where it comes to game play design, they dropped it when it comes to patience. They gave up to easily and didn't recognize the fact that it may take a little time to convince the parents to fork out a little more money so they won't have to to listen to us. Face it, the ones who have means can afford Lego, and the ones who have more means, could afford Lego Universe
  2. Perhaps they should have shown that video before they launched the game, they may have had more en-listing.
  3. Brick to Differ, the statue could be used in all sorts of ways. Imagine a Vignette where it's Halloween and they are going to costume party and the big guy, Hans, is dressed in tin foil, head to toe :)
  4. A unique perspective, those were my thoughts at first as well. I never played myself but I heard that it wasn't cheap.
  5. Well my friends, seems Lego has gone out of it's way to let us know that LU is officially closed with a very nice video, here is the link... http://universe.lego.com/en-us/default.aspx I don't mind so much, however when Lego says they are closing something, they do go all the way. Laugh if you will, I still play MLN and it seems that the LU modules there are no longer accessible when it comes to posting a comment on another's creation. Something I have believed in for a while, is now gone, oh well. What are your thoughts Brickers
  6. Funny Grimmy, I did the same thing with my free sets, put Yoda in there too...BOTLooks okay, though it seems a little familiar
  7. This is indeed cool and now that it's official, even better. Besides the obvious wonder of castles and scenes, my biggest question is about the mini-figures. Will the hobbits simply have shorter legs or will they be average mini-height? Which would mean all the other characters would have to be taller. Oh, and what about those big hairy feet? This is where being a fly on the wall in the Lego design department would be really cool.
  8. The legodac Brickerage Firm

  9. Well, I'm wondering why most everyone seems to have forgotten a product line called Belville. As a matter of fact I'll be wrapping a few of the sets for one of my grand daughters today. She loves Lego, but her mother says she's been getting into the dolls lately. I'll let you know soon how she reacts. I'm 49 and male, I myself think the new stuff is cool, I mean hey, there must be a place to put a few pink bricks in a diorama somewhere. As for the mini-figures that some say are not, they're okay too. Does anyone remember what Lego had for people before the mini-figure? I still have a few of the heads and arms When Friends does come out, I'll be buying some for me
  10. Of course, merry christmas to you!

  11. Now that's extreme, though the theme is cool, I would only buy this set for 3 reasons, the black crane, the ball and the tracks, awesome new pieces as well, that's 4
  12. I hope you do too, but hey, keep a few marks aside so you can buy some for yourself.

    Merry Christmas my friend...

  13. No problem. I haven't got all my shoppin done yet, but hopefully I will see Lego for christmas. ;)

  14. I could have sworn I saw something to that reference, sorry buddy, my mistake, so how are you, got all your shopping done?

  15. Photobucket account? I don't have one.

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