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  1. I remember a time when a 46cm tall buildable Chewbacca with "UCS Plaque" for 200€/$ would've fit right in this thread ='D Anyway, rereading a couple of the past comments it's fun to notice how many of our suggestions (serious or otherwise) were actually made: - Phase 2 Cody - Mon Calamari Star Cruiser (albeit midi-scale) - Scene from order 66 (Kelleran Beq's escape) - "Huttslayer" Leia - Nebulon B Frigate (Again, only in midi-scale and exclusive to boot) - UCS AT-AT I guess in some ways they still manage to surprise us
  2. Because "Nexu Neutering" brought the wrong image to the mind :D Anyway lately I was rewatching Andor and would love a set based on the Rix Road Riot (to keep with alliteration)
  3. Ugh, this sounds exactly like something that COULD happen unfortunately, and my concern is not because of the source material for once
  4. Now, where is my speed champions 2001 Honda civic for him to drive?
  5. Judging by the shape an colour of the head it looks like an unprinted TCW Yoda head, definitely a production error
  6. So, I bought the new mando/imperial BP today and the first thought was to replace the head on the Nite Owl to make a Koska Reeves stand-in. At the moment I'm undecided on the head, so what's your opinion for the best between option nr 1 and option nr 2? Also, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions for a hairpiece they would be welcome :)
  7. I love how it's actually a stealth "Order 66" wave :D
  8. I'm also impressed by this dedicated research, and I'm kinda hoping time and set reveals will confirm you were right in decoding the clue
  9. Dr. Pershing is that you? I really do hope this is a hint to an upcoming set/figure and not a farewell
  10. Regarding Kyle's head i've seen most customs use young Jor-El face (also expensive), or I'd propose my solution, although I'm always on the lookout for a better torso than the old 90s adventurers I'm using at the moment
  11. Would love such a wave, the only things missing for me are ways to get Kyle Katarn and Cade Skywalker
  12. Whoa, those are awesome! And also thanks for reminding me of that comic, it's been a long time since I last checked it and while it's a pity they've stopped updating for the moment I still have a lot of unread strips to discover :)
  13. I was wondering where those wall panels are looking at the final model, I'm guessing they're part of the internal structure if they can be substituted. Anyway it's always nice realizing you already own a good percentage of the pieces needed to part out a model, good luck with the remaining orders. Regarding my last purchase, I wanted to take advantage of double VIP points to get a couple of S@H exclusive sets and being way below the free shipping price tag I started adding pieces to make a couple of the nice STAPs from the new BP. Then I remembered about this Crab Droid and added the pieces to make three of them (with a couple of tweaks/substitutions). Satisfied with a total finally over the free shipping cost I then went and added the Mando Spider Tank to the order -also a Lego store exclusive in Italy, which would have spared me the hours on B&P- because why not? Oh well, I'm happily waiting for the mail while the wallet is a bit less happy.
  14. I went to my local store last Saturday, hoping to find some new releases but the shelves were still empty after the Christmas rush. So I resigned myself and went nextdoor to grocery shop, and in their small toy aisle I found a lonely pirate snub-fighter 30% off which immediately went to my cart :D
  15. Better late than never, and I myself am even more late to comment on this wonderful wave. Let me start by thanking you for the mention and compliments, I also quite like your rendition of the Predator and both this and the last Interceptor (which I built right after finishing on my project, so too late to overhaul the ball part) are giving me quite a few ideas on how to tweak and better my build, I'll have to get started on a Mk II =D And to answer your question it is simply a lesser seen TIE variant in the MOC community from the Legends comic Legacy, and technically not even a TIE-series, as it has four engines instead of two. QIE, maybe? :D Anyway it comes from the Ostrander-Duursema team and I've always liked the idea of a "TIE" without pylons connecting the solar panels directly to the ball cockpit as the evolution of the craft went on. Keeping with Legends I also really enjoy your Zahn-style Z95, and as many I'd love for a Legends-tribute set such as this to exists, NGL, they'll have me at "Kyle Katarn minifig". Following up, that Acclamator is really something to be proud of, I love how it fulfils its role of a troop carrier and the speederbike play feature, and also how it manages to have the interior details such as the bridge while looking sturdy and imposing, and it pairs well with the rest of the prequel-era lineup you have. Some more scattered comments: - Both N1s are gorgeous, the Mando housewarming party is a nice fun idea and the scale of that Vulture looks perfect to me, maybe not true minifig-scale but just the right size for such a playset - I agree with the BARC-fatigue sentiment and would love a Crab Droid against the 212th, but your BARC designs have always been strong - Nice to see some love for Tales of the Jedi with the duel and it really works in its simplicity - Both dioramas are something that should really be official sets by now, and I'm afraid the only reason we'll never see the "No disintegrations" one on shelves is because of LEGO reticence of putting that many expensive/desirable minifigs in the same non UCS/D2C set All in all I agree that were this to be an official wave my wallet would not be happy, keep up the good work =) p.s. I realised I never actually commented on the last community wishlist before this one and I'll sneak some congratulations for your rendition of the V-19 from that wave also
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