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Pirate Regulator
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About evancelt

  • Birthday 01/15/1985

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    Duplo royal castle

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    Duplo knights / pirates


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    United States
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  1. The hats with gold or white rims are modfied, cloth coattails & jackets are custom, and colored hair pieces are custom. Under hair pieces are cut from official hair pieces
  2. Hi, no, they aren't all original (many are, but not all)
  3. Thanks! It's fun to dice it up sometimes :) Thanks! I actually started by using rubberbands for that detail first but after this build sat unfinished for 9 months they all dried out and cracked - decided ziplines would be more robust if I planned to keep the build around Thanks! Yes, I have more pics but haven't edited them just yet. This ship will likely be included in a bigger pirate/colonial build in 2025
  4. Sure! Here's a BTS shot showing the setup. It's pretty basic 3-point light set up: 1x LED ceiling light and 2x cheap $7 desk lamps with $25 daylight LED spotlight bulbs in them from the sides pointed up through the diffusion cloth at the top of the tent
  5. Thanks @NOD! The ropes are medium nougat "zipline" pieces that I ordered from LEGO.com. And yes the foremast is very thick at the bottom :D Seemed like a way to let me boost the height of the old style masts that terminate at the bottom with a 4x4 plate. Thank you! I took the photo in my larger 32" photo tent with LED "daylight" lightbulbs - I think they really help the color pop
  6. A small Napoleonic British Navy crew created for an upcoming redcoat ship I'm making
  7. Yes, they aren't for everyone and are more of a novelty than a castle-builder! Sand red bricks cost between $1-$2 each plus shipping to source, plus CNC costs and time spent. We're making about 20% profit on each brick at this price.
  8. Listed these up for sale on the RMM site: https://www.rockymountainminifigs.com/product/limited-edition-carved-masonry-profile-brick/
  9. The Woodland Creatures series is now live on the website: https://www.rockymountainminifigs.com/category/woodland-creatures/
  10. Still need to clean them up a bit, but CNC-carved sand red masonry bricks (carved from normal 1x2 bricks)
  11. Yes, needs a barracks or tent camp :D May build that for an upcoming show
  12. A first batch of the sailors have been added to the site, and some new buccaneer torsos
  13. Planning to launch the 8-figure Series 4 - Woodland Creatures this Thursday 10/24 at 8p MT. Last chance to pre-order the series before they go live - reach out by DMs https://www.rockymountainminifigs.com/category/woodland-creatures/
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