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Myrtle Monkey

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  1. Neither of them tooold me who I can or can't give sadly. All I know is what I can give during the day to a member of ooour fine residents whooo are alive. I was never told I can't give to scum. If Bulldooog is scum, I believe Sheepdog would have told me scum can't receive my items. If I was blocked in the night that carries into the day, then perhaps that is what caused the item to not go through. I don't know if that can happen.
  2. I actually was typing my response right when the seventh vooote appeared. That's why I was confused alsooo.
  3. I attempted to send him a one-shot block invention, but came back with the result of unsuccsessful. I can only assume someone had a day-block they used on me, Bennett, or he is somehow unable to receive that item.
  4. Oooh boy. I am the inventooor. I attempted to send an invention to Bennet Bulldooog toooday but was unsuccesful. Yesterday I made an invention that could be used to protect myself and used during the night.
  5. Sheepish? As the second vote? Seriooously? I would say sheepish would be more on the bandwagooon later in the day. At the time, I found Braxtooon to be the best chance we had that day if we were tooo lynch. Today, Rooonan has not offered up much help. Tooo be fair, I haven't either up until nooow. I am wooondering if he is just sliding underneath the eyes of us all. He appeared helpful Day 1, I think if he was scum to gain a favooorable view to coooast today. Vote: Ronan Rabbit We have nooot heard from Gracie Goooat yet. Pernilla, where is your looovely sweater I made? You'll catch a cooold!
  6. While I dooo nooot suggest that I am defendying the pachyderm, I think everybody has thooose kind of votes. It's interesting to look at though.
  7. That's what it was. I gooot a wee tiny bit cooonfused. Oooh I'm funny! Vote: Braxton Bear Too much certainty for Day ooone.
  8. Such a great sweater for Pernilla. It's magical isn't it? And that hippooo made a statement that's odd.
  9. Do you have it in gooold? Can I make a sweater with the bread?
  10. Oooh nooo! There's a Pernilla! And it looks like she doesn't have clooothes! Shall I sew a little booonnet up?
  11. Oooh why yes! I say that doooes count!
  12. Wait, sooo you do not coook? Hooow sad! And the only looonely hippooo! Even sadder.
  13. Helloooo there everyooone! It's Myrtle Mooonkey! I'm here to sew up any of your clooothes!
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