All my Figures are named Sebastian, because I'm Sebastian. My Kingdom, "Naitsabes", is my name backwards. The 1st Zmija {Viper} is Krol {King} S. Iksworbad. The other two are a Knight, Rycerz S. Shaglar, and the Lesnik {Ranger} S. Pyranger.
I'll intend to make just Vipers for my Kingdom. If any thing else I'll make Mercenary Companies, Diplomacy Senates, and so much.
Krol S. Iksworbad is a "Down To Earth Brown" Zmija {Viper} with peach eyes that have "Scorched Metal" Irises, with peach-skin colored belly scales, and straight spots down His back; Krol S. Iksworbad.
Rycerz S. Shaglar is golden with bronze eyes and scales. His Irises are peach; Rycerz S. Shaglar.
Lesnik S. Pyranger is peach with "Scorched Metal" eyes that have peach Irises. His belly scales are "Jungle Mist". His back scales have random brown spots; Lesnik S. Pyranger.