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Krol Zmija Sebastian

Eurobricks Knights
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About Krol Zmija Sebastian

  • Birthday 02/05/1992

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    mercenaries vs monsters
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    I customize Fang-Suei figures.

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Gleneagle Farms
  • Interests
    Skateboarding, roleplaying, swordsmanship.


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About Me

The name's Sebastian Dabrowski. I have made a Party Animal restitution when I began to work steadily away from partying, and I realized by it that I am not English - that's for England, but that came after I avenged my Barbarzyn legacy from rumorings in School into the gossip it would of had been, or was, found the ancestry and attained my Royalist compatriotism through chronicling the magistrate into a diary of my legacy, making it thus a treasury. I had a Animalsoul to resolve againt "spiritutality" as a Favorite Animal because of peering - I even partied neutrally into a champion Ranger type of adversity.

But for LEGO it started with my Mother placating me with other Boys she had found, and 1 of them had a toy room with a round table. On the table were his legos, they were Police legos. He had a friend that got allowed in to play with us, but wasn't aquantinced nor announced to us - so he became haughty, and rather arrogant. And the only other moment was at my Sister's friends house she had some legos in a carrying red suitcase type carryier for legos specifically. I had that as a secondary option to play with instead of playing on her computer to not impend being with them whilst our parents folked. It's these experiences that has me want to be a Knight, and further it into Space Mercenary. I don't like the legos for being yellow, so I'm going to be a custom Ninjago Fang-Seui Figure.

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