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Arthur Hargrave

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About Arthur Hargrave

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  1. It was still a great game Bob!!! Sorry you have to reboot. However seeing that we already had a town block assembled and had caught two scum, we might have finished soon anyway.
  2. Well sign me up for Mafia III then I guess! Sorry to everyone who had to drop out and I hope your all doing alright!
  3. Well even if that were the case, we'd be wrong in not finding out.
  4. I mean there's always room for more disccusion, but I think we have everything we need to move forward. Vote: End Day Early
  5. It doesn't say that! it says "the person who I trust the least has voted for the person I trust the most". Have you considered claiming?
  6. If this is the case... Then why did you say this when you voted for Paul? Morgan claims there was a mix up in pronouns but I don't see it that way.
  7. Well I guess it's only appropriate that our mafia games be Blocky
  8. With all these blockers, what if we have a strongman?
  9. And yet we still had night kills... YOUR ALL F#CKING USELESS!!!
  10. What the fricking hell. Why do we need THREE blocking roles???
  11. Okay I'm back for real and-oh hello! Vote: Louis Townsend MFing high winds = MFing power loss = MFing internet loss!
  12. Why the f*ck can't I find a gif of Data saying "Honey? I'm home!"
  13. Here's another one of those cases where someone says they think someone is scum, but then goes and votes for someone else. Not to mention the person they voted for was the person they "trust the most" and the person they forwent voting for is the person they "trust the least". Morgan points this out. Zach replies with um, actually...
  14. This little bit from Kendall which both Robert and I pointed out sticks with me. To this.
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