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Aiden Leon

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  1. "Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening me!"
  2. Well obviously you'd believe that or say that depending on your alignment. So the question is why not, with "because I'm town" being a insufficient answer.
  3. Yeah but then this was Vincent after Trenton posted part of his fake PM. With the amount of players left, we don't have the privilege to be testing townies.
  4. If we could rule out Emmet, then this would all come down to Andrew or Fred. I think... If Peter and Andrew are scum together, Peter would have found out from Andrew that Vincent's was setting a trap for him. What does Peter's reaction. along with him bringing it up this morning, say about the posibility of him being scum with Andrew?
  5. The power of Ctrl + F...
  6. Oof. So we can't rule out whether or not there are two or one more scum. Bummer.
  7. Oi oi oi OI!!! This is no time for sleep! It's time to get pumped and brainstorm!!!
  8. Can't think staight until I hear back from Bob about the parity stuff.
  9. That's assuming we still have two more scum after Trenton. How do we set it up to create the most traps to discourage killing and maybe catch scum if they do kill. I'm a little pissed that I didn't think to wait to see who Trenton was going to vote for.
  10. This is a high probability if scum choose to kill and are successful. Robin how bout doing me a solid and- Oh wait... Nevermind.
  11. And Emmet should track Fred.
  12. What if Andrew and Fred block each other, and Emmet and Peter target each other?
  13. Oh man I feel bad. Surely I'm missing something?
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