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  1. Hello everyone! Finally the video :) I tried to make the functions visible, it's not always easy because black parts need a lot of light to have a nice rendering on the screen. So you can see how the locomotive can be elevated, see that the train is a little faster, but more importantly that the whole thing works much more smoothly and reliably than before : I'm very happy to come more or less to the end of this project, I got something playable, well structured and looking nice I think...anyway I'm fully satisfied! :D What do you think about it now ? And thank you so much MajklSpajkl and Marxpek for your comments
  2. It's done! :D So in the end no compressor . Thanks for the proposition to do it with 2 XL motors, the one showed by Mr Jos looks really great. Of course it's still possible to add a compressor because there's room to put one in the tender, but personally I don't like it much, it's noisy, when the pressure rises too much the engines panic a bit, it vibrates a lot... And then you can't hear the whistle and the noise of the pistons that exhaust the air under pressure. On these pictures, we don't see many changes. Maybe you will have noticed that the whole thing is "cleaner". Straighter lines, the front of the locomotive covered with flat plates for a more "finished" look and some details to make the whole thing more solid. The cab has also changed a little bit, so that we can access the controls more easily and that the assembly is also more solid. The tender hides a set of three pumps and an air tank: The pump is an adaptation of the one made by Nico71, adapted to make it smaller, without air tank and with only 3 pumps : Where there is a lot of change is on the inside: It's much more structured and clear. We can see better the 4 pistons and the free wheel. The gain in efficiency is also visible: by better fixing the internal pistons, I prevent their movement and thus a loss of output. I also have the impression that the engine runs at a lower pressure than before (<0.5 bar). The whole assembly is more modular: the external pistons decoration can be removed very easily, the front "ears" can be removed too (without breaking into a thousand pieces), the sand tanks and the exhaust column can be removed easily, the cabin can be removed in one piece too... The system to lift the locomotive works very well, although due to the heavy weight of the locomotive the axles that rest on the rails tend to bend a little (we remain well below the elastic limit of the part however). I'll give you more details soon, as I think I'll make a new video, more beautiful and more detailed ;) I really think it's the ultimate version of my model, well that's what we often say, then we end up changing some things but we are close to a completely finished product for sure.
  3. Nice MOC, I like how you decorated it, not many panels but enough so there isn't big weird holes in the middle of it. I think that for the front wheels, you can improve the fluidity of the movement by changing the seven 16t gears byt three 16t gears and a chain linking all of them together. You are definitely having some play that is possible to correct here I think
  4. Hello everybody, I bring this up for some update and to ask some advices for the compressor ? First, thank you for everybody who supported the project on Lego Ideas so far, we reached 4000 supports, that’s clearly insane ! You can continue to support here of course : https://ideas.lego.com/projects/dc67d247-ee40-423b-8864-d468fa701e14 So I wanted to update this little locomotive for some reasons, here are the problems I noticed with the first version and the corrections I made : - Some important parts carrying the pneumatic piston are not fixed enough, so the piston can move and we lose some efficiency (as suggested by some of you here, I improved that, thanks). - Some decorations are made of regular lego plates, studfull, and that’s a problem in some areas because the assembly is less solid than if it was studless. Here is an example of correction : - The “ears” or steam protector at the front of the locomotive are not well fixed, it frequently falls from the train if it is touched or moved too much. So is it now fixed on some news points. - The cabin is too shaky, we need to make it solid and well fixed. Thanks so the decorations being studless now, we will have more fixations for the cabin. - The brakes are too fragile too and in studfull plates, it isn’t really a problem because it’s rare to have to touch them for any reason, but still, I want to improve the global design by fixing well everything. - The colors of the inside are always the same : gray, black… I want to change the colors inside so the building experience gets better and the view of the inside becomes pleasant. This have been done with red, white and black instead of just black and gray. - Other shaky parts are the circular core sections that are used to separate the different system and to carry the hull/cover of the boiler. Morevover, it’s made of studfull lego bricks, which takes place and isn’t ideal for technic builds. I am waiting for some parts I ordered to actually build this in real, I also fixed minor problems and I am considering building a compressor to fuel the pneumatic engine. I wonder what is the best compressor configuration, since putting 2 motors on one battery box seem to not pump more than 1 with the same number of pumps. I have some progress to make here : which lego motor is the best for that, what is the optimal number of pumps and speed of rotation… If you can help me with your knowledge, don’t hesitate to comment bellow ! ^^ This second version will be much more satisfying for me, since I needed to make this train a little more reliable and efficient.
  5. Definitely a good idea but, I don't think it's enough tho, the fly wheels makes a pretty good job. But it could worth a try, like if Lego makes rubber band big enough for covering the big wheels tho ?
  6. Hello, for instance no it cannot drive in corners because I didn't manage to make some railtracks with curves. I am pretty sure it could with some work, but due to the size of the locomotive, the curves would probably have a radius of minimum 2m I would say, which isn't really suitable for most houses. But that wasn't the point, the point was to make something that you can look at, something that you can make go foward and brake. The goal is to show how a steam locomotive works and have fun mostly like that. Yeah that's really how I designed it : I wanted to make a cool steam locomotive that works pretty much like a real one (air pistons, air brakes, air whistle...) and put the "playability" (meaning here, playing on railtracks) aside. I knew that by choosing to do that, I had to abandon the Lego train tracks, because we need to scale up. Lego Trains are too small to work with compressed air and all. So to answer I'll show how it's made, using the 3D model I made of the Locomotive : (the 3D might have some differences with the actual locomotive, it's not the final version here) If we zoom, facing the wheels and railtracks, we can see that I designed the tracks so they fit like this : In fact the wheels I chose aren't perfectly flat, so they kinda work like flanged wheels so the train stay in the middle of the tracks. For the wheels of the tender, I can use flanged lego train wheels in black, because they also fit the rail tracks. So the tender is kept in place. For having all the wheels touching the floor when not on railtracks, the tender can move up and down a little, just enough for compensating when it is not on the tracks. (not visible in the video) I don't know if I made myself clear but to sum up : - The driving wheels aren't perfectly flat, which allow me to make railtracks really guiding the locomotive. - The tender had flanged wheels too, and can move up and down to compensate the difference of height when the train isn't on the tracks. Is it a little understandable ? ^^"
  7. Thanks a lot ! Happy that I can give u interest in that ! The whistle is also thanks to some luck, I tried to blow on manyyyy different lego parts to see if they will ring ^^
  8. Yeah of course of steam, no lego can survive. The compressor will make some noise for sure, and it may even hide the "tch tch" we can hear from the pistons and switches. But I want to keep this project with only Lego parts for instance, even if, yeah, a 2L would totally give enough air for a while. The other solution is to put something like... 25 Lego air tanks, but then it will start to be hell of expensive
  9. I wish it goes to the Hall of Fame qualification, that's awesome ! I corrected the link, thanks for telling me. Lego Ideas is here.
  10. Thank you everybody for being so supportive ! I am happy you like the design :) I've been told that it's not the best to post my MOC presentation in two different eurobrick's forum. So if you want more explainations etc please go to the Technic section ! : Click here to go to the main topic page On 2.5 bars it should go for about 2-3 meters far on full air tanks, depending on which speed you choose. It's not much so that's why people suggested to add a little lego compressor in the tender with a battery box. I think that's a nice solution to make it go as far as possible :) For a real steam boiler...I am staying on a only lego parts design for now, but damn it would be awesome to see this machine with steam all around !
  11. haha yes But I will explain more with 3D models, here : The Free Wheel : Connected by gears, the free wheel turns 25 times faster than the wheels. It is also connected (by 8t/24t) to a "HOG", so in case of the locomotive doesn't start or need a little help, you can start the pneumatic engine. The brakes : I hope it's clear like that, but the system for the brakes is quite simple, it was just hard to integrate around the wheels since it's quite crowded over there. And really, thank you everybody for your comments !
  12. Thank you :) I already like that place
  13. Haha I agree, I didn't know where to put it too. If it happens it would be awesome since the latest Lego switch seems to be even less suitable for pneumatic engines... In that case, better than removing the fly wheel is to make it smaller, I think it would be still great to smothen the whole movement. Thanks for your awesome comments and for the front paging ! it's well appreciated Thanks ! I am not sure to understand well your question, are you asking how are the pneumatic connected, like the whole connecting plan ? I could make a map of that yeah, here I did it with no plan, except that the left valve controls the right external piston and the right valve controls the left external piston.
  14. wow that's a dangerous Idea ! Not for the kids, but for my Legos haha. Seriously I think I can pull a mouse or a guinea pig, maybe a kitten but no more. Internally it works like a classic Lego Pneumatic Engine, like this : (gif by Nico71) A serie of four 36t gears connects the piston and wheels together, and transmit the power to the free wheel (after a couple of 40t/8t). Only the 4 front wheels are linked by gears, the 4 others are free. I can give you some more views if you like, I have some 3D models made for the loco. Thank you guys for the comments, it's well apreciated :)
  15. Beautiful ! you'll build it with real parts ? Maybe you could try to hide the sharp line between the red roof and the black boiler ? I think that using a flexible axle/tube put ahead of the cabin could make the general look more curly.
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