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About Legofan2005

  • Birthday 01/22/1998

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    Castle. Space. Deep sea
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?

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    Castle. Space. Deep sea


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  1. Here is my plan for my trolls fortress playability big front door Guarded with 2 big trolls why I want a lager door ? taller siege tower ( getting 4 of them) battle wheel ( getting 4 of them) assault wagon ( getting 6 of them) Batting ram ( getting 1 of them) billistas (getting for 4 of them) post towers post walls I am have more to say
  2. That is very cool. You have many different LEGO sets. yes I do have a flicker account. I saw at least 7 or 8 3” troll from the troll mountain fortress. With the Black Armor with sand green and dark tan. Yes I did the troll warships’. Yes I did see the troll battle wheel. Yes I did see the siege tower. Yes I well buy my Lego’s from Bricklink and, brick owl. I’ll see if toywize has the right LEGO sets I am looking for
  3. Yeah I’ll give you my email address. Yeah I take a long look at them. Thank you. I don’t know if I do have the troll warship. I rather have it regular warship. Not a dragon on board the troll warship. I don’t want a dragon in the troll fortress. I am going to have to at least 2 more of them. Do you have at least 10 trolls mountain fortresss’? Do you have 4 troll warships’ ?
  4. can ask you something please? very nice. I would like to know what it's the best trolls' mocs? would you make? I am making a troll moc on my own. I would like to know the boat engine dock its' including the the troll battle wheel also the troll siege tower. it worth making it. I want it to be a have different it. Could you show me your design please?
  5. Hello. Do you speak English? I would like to ask you something ok?
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