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Mr. Townsend

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About Mr. Townsend

  • Birthday 11/22/1989

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    An avid naval history fan with an exciting LEGO hobby I try to build high quality MOCs with the idea that no detail is too much. Patient and detail oriented I don't mind building and rebuilding until satisfied.

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    United States
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  1. This is great. It’s got a classic feel to it which I really like. One of my favorite parts is the blue sails. They match Lego stock sails so well in their shape and the material you used.
  2. Its not the best picture but I wanted to show the progress that has been made on the Matterhorn lately. The project is finally back in progress after two moves of 1200 mile. From trip one she lost her bowsprit and trip two the stern had to be rebuilt. Now I've got a solid build space to bring this project to completion. I won't offer a timeline as I've never been anywhere near accurate with them. Normally when I sit down for a session I'll throw one or two strings up and then re-shelve her for a spell. Topmasts are now in place. Backstays and rigging the topgalants is mainly what's left on her standing rigging. Then will come sails and running rigging. I've gotten pretty good on the sewing machine so sails shouldn't take near as long as they did on pinnacle. Hopefully I'll make them right on the first go rather then the third. This photo never made it into the thread so I'm adding it now. The idea is that Matterhorn has been launched and is in process of being rigged. In the meantime her captain is throwing a party for local politicians and military officers to show off the new vessel. It took three iterations of the tent before I was contented.
  3. The Classic colors give this a great mood. Brings me back to my childhood pirates. Great build!
  4. Excellent build and a good story! I can see why the Sergeant is apprehensive with those skulls staring down at him.
  5. A great build to show the end of such a lovely ship. I'm glad you took it in stride as I'm not sure I would take the loss so well. I would love to see the upgrade you made to her rigging. Brick on!
  6. I apologize for leaving you alone in the seas Capt. Genaro, though how much company the Gee Golly Dandy would be I'm not quite sure. I had started an 8 gun lugger that I wanted to get into the January MCRA, but I packed up my LEGO a tad early for a move across country in expecting to make this month. Hopefully I'll have a shipyard going by mid March or April.
  7. I simply love it Kurigan! When you built the last one with rubber bands I thought that was spectacular, but this tops the cake. The lack of studs is beautiful! Small ships are so much fun to build because it can be done so quickly. I've certainly found how stable Lego rigging can be when it's tied together with the chains under the channels. I think in the past that has been a big problem for builders as they've neglected them or brick built a representation of them. The chains are so important to the stability of the masts. When I had Matterhorn's lower masts rigged I lifted her by the fighting tops. It worked very well until I thought rocking her would be a good test. I ended up re-rigging a few chains after that. :D
  8. Where is the main post for the MCRA showing the deadline for January? I assumed it wouldn't start until February since I never saw that thread bumped. Can that be pinned?
  9. The game is now in early release and is quite awesome. Add me to your friends list if you get it. Winfrit Townsend - United States. I'd love to either sail with you or sink you.
  10. They look great ejred. I like how wide you were able to make the launch. I was experimenting with making one of my boats wider a few weeks ago and couldn't find a solution I liked. Excellent work!
  11. Looking good. I'm always a fan of ship classes that are built rarely. I like the bits of trans clear placed around to give an "on the sea" effect. Plain paper with pencil lines would look really cool on this I think.
  12. That sure is a really big ship. She will sure be a terror of the seas upon completion. How many guns will it hold in total?
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