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Johnny 5

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About Johnny 5

  • Birthday 08/22/1987

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  1. Wes Jenkins, one of the original creators of Lego Island is facing some serious financial difficulties right now. He set up a gofundme found here: https://www.gofundme.com/save-wes I know I had many hours of entertainment from Lego Island as a kid and I'm sure many of you all did as well. I'm going to pitch in what I can, hopefully this will inspire some others to do so also. He one of us and I'm sure alot of us have enjoyed his work through the years. Here is an imgur that someone put together with some more info about him. https://m.imgur.com/gallery/1r6FO I wasn't sure of the appropriate place to post this, moderators please move if it belongs somewhere else. Also I did a quick search to see if anyone else has posted about this and couldn't find anything, so if there's another post please combine them. Thanks!
  2. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/05/video-captures-alleged-lego-bar-code-scam-by-tech-executive.html Here's the LA Times article. I find it funny how they can't understand why someone would need so much Lego, c'mon you can never have enough Lego. They've obviously do not know what an AFOL is.
  3. This is very impressive so far. though I would love to see some detal of the structural setup of the towers.
  4. This is really excellent. I love the amazing detail on the building and the surrounding landscape. Great job. How did you get the building to be at an angle relative to the base?
  5. Oh wow, I haven't been on in weeks and I came by to look specifically for this thread to show my friend who is coming out of the dark ages. Thought I was going to have do an extensive search for it, but lo and behold I click on the Historical forum and its on the first page, I'm pretty sure that was providence. Anyway, great job Teddy. It's been awhile since I've seen this castle and you've made some fantastic improvements. I especially like the back keep you've changed. I'm now even more sure this is the first creation he needs to see coming out of those dark dreary years.
  6. I'm a beta tester, though I barely finished the sign-up process today so I haven't had an opportunity to play yet.
  7. Thanks for all your replies guys. When I went and ordered it the lady looked at me like I was crazy. It will be my groom's cake for my wedding, Ill post pics of it after the wedding.
  8. I need to know the proportions of a 2x4 regular brick. For example if I was making a grooms cake for 30-50 people and I wanted to make it proportional to the actual brick what are the dimensions I need to do the math?
  9. Exactly, this commercial works on so many levels because it deals with using your imagination and not following "rules" when building, also a child and parent playing together is an added bonus. Do you maybe have a link for that Duplo commercial?
  10. That was an amazing commercial! I saw it while I was searching for the current one. I think the one their showing now is great in that it really shows the true spirit of Lego and that they still have that in mind as a company. Especially since some questions have been raised concerning the departure from classic Lego themes and a focus on licensed themes with some articles about Lego in the mainstream media.
  11. How far back did you start seeing it?
  12. I just saw it twice during today's Cowboys/Chargers game. Did anyone else see it? It has a father and son building a very large house together with all sorts of things on it such as a windmill and a turret. I thought it was interesting to see a commercial from them that doesn't feature a particular set, first I've seen in a long time. Does this indicate more of a mainstream advertising presence for Lego? I'll search for the video and see if I can find a link. Edit:
  13. I love the creator house, and will pick up several impulses. Also cant wait for the Toy Story sets to come out.
  14. I saw one in a large stack of grays a good while back at the LEGO store in Houston
  15. This is right and proper, Bionicle needs a grand sendoff, and as a non-Bionicle fan I'd still buy the last hurray.
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