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About StegoLover

  • Birthday December 29

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    LEGO Jurassic World/Park
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    Probably a JW or Star wars set

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    Lego herbivores and clone troopers


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  1. First review I could find is already here
  2. In some way I'm slightly bothered that we didn't get to see the baby Stegosaurus and Pteranodon integrated in a JW set already in a similar fashion as last year's 76963, which was essentialy a battle pack for all our beloved babies Thought it would be fitting to have another such including the new juveniles for this year since they're also continuing the trend of chunky buildable Bumpy/Rex and fossil head sets Sure they will most likely appear in the summer wave, but I sure as heck would've loved to see them in their appropriate colour patterns already because I'm confident they'll look amazing once they are. - no hate towards the two sets whatsoever though, they're both nice-looking especially the skull imo
  3. This is very great news. I’ve always felt like the JW wave from 2015 felt rushed and didn’t really represent the actual movie very well, don’t even get me started on the fact that most of the sets were based on early concept art, and that there were zero herbivores. It’s actually quite surprising to me that Lego will possibly promote the anniversary of a post-2010 film, I’m unsure if that has been done before, but either way it has lots of potential. If so I hope they’ll take the direction of the wave more towards the park itself, it has some interesting attraction designs (my dream set, an 18+ Innovation center set could become reality). The fact that we’ll still get tons of sets next year at all just makes me happy, it must mean that the theme still is doing well enough, but I’m also interested to see what the upcoming three sets have in store for us for now..
  4. I would assume the wait will take less than a week from now for the actual reveals, but I can relate
  5. It has been pretty quiet here for some time, does anyone know when the Instagram set photo leaks will be posted? Isn't it usually around this time that they are revealed?
  6. I’m hoping that the style of the Bumpy-build will be compatible and in the same scale with the buildable Rex from the 2022 JP set. For else I don’t really see any interest into getting it. Crossing my fingers on that the Stegosaurus will at least be fully posable, tail, legs, neck. I hope that new larger leg pieces will be made for them as seen in the Lego game but honestly I’m fine with it if they use the general herbivore legs. Definitely excited for this wave.
  7. Maybe a stupid idea but since JW is turning 10 next year TLG may revert back to making sets ‘indirectly’ based on that movie again, this because the sets from 2015 weren’t really living up to the movie and were quite generic in my eyes. It might also be more profitable for Lego themselves. I personally hope we could see sets based on some of the attractions or the Innovation center. I’m really keeping my fingers crossed on a new Stegosaurus aswell, we need more herbivores Really hoping we could see some TLW sets some day too, that movie might controversially be one of my favorites out of the bunch
  8. Thank you so much for the information, hopefully Lego will be able to do something with this. Also, not really JW-related, but yall have seen what happened to just2good? Lol
  9. Literally the set I’ve been dreaming about for so long. TLW has to be one of my favorites. Crazy how we got dinosaurs like Stygimoloch, pyroraptor, therizinosaur, etc. before such an authentic creature like the Stego. No to mention the absence of a molded Parasaurolophus aswell. What baffles me the most is they’ve got the most beautiful designs for them in the Lego game but they don’t really utilize them. I’m guessing the sticker in the Visitor center set is teasing something. Really hope this theme won’t die and becomes similar in consistency to SW and HP.
  10. I guess non-lego related.
  11. I couldn't agree more with all you've said here. I think that after we've gotten a Stegosaurus and possibly a Parasaurolophus in physical form, that it would make for the 'foundation' for all the species that might come after if the theme continues because of the wide variety of molds we'd have then, like reusing most pieces, and if necessary only making 1 new mold per dino, like for the head with the different related species to Triceratops. As for JPIII, there're actually quite a few scenes I can think of that could be made in Lego form, like a remake from the Lego Studios set with the plane crash (with a new modern Spino), or the aviary sequence, the boat attack on the river, or maybe even Alan Grant's lecture lol (jk). JPIII might also be our only chance of getting a Ceratosaurus because there is actually one short scene in which it appears, in the whole franchise weirdly enough. A set based around the MCC sounds lovely, I've in fact already seen a bunch of MOC's around the internet of it, and if it'd come with a baby Rex aswell that would be great as we need more juvenile variants. For TLW Lego honestly has a lot of great scenes to choose from, but one other set that's so iconic is the first Stegosaurus encounter of Ian and the others. It might aswell be a display set with one of Ian's quotes at the bottom from that scene. Lastly, one specific character that should become a minifig imo is Peter Ludlow, he's my favorite character from TLW! I also wondered if anyone has been able to buy the Visitor Centre set and has tried to compare and maybe even connect it to the JP set from back in 2018, because for example they both have a kitchen- and a lab section, and with the diagonal plates aswell the sets just feel made for each other to me.
  12. Tiago Catarino just posted a video of an in-depth look on all the five sets - and I have to say they look much better outside of the box than inside lol Also, that Parasaurolophus (+ a juvenile) design on one of the stickers from the Visitor Center set looks great, really hope we could maybe see it in a wave for next year maybe (TLW sets??).
  13. True, the new Trike does look very nice, as it's similar to my profilepic aswell, lol. But I have to say that the green one from 2019 is my personal favorite since it's color pattern looks very unique and pleasant. I honestly can't wait for him to do the Brachio set so really looking forward to that.
  14. Alright, seems like someone on Youtube made a full short already with all of the sets, and I have to say that (just like almost every Lego set in general) they look way better in real-life, although, I really wonder how they already got them on display so soon, lol https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BHHLhAQaf6w
  15. Is it known if somebody already owns the sets and has shown them in a picture or video?
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