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About Auroralampinen

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  1. Little bit more work on the engine room and i reworked little bit of the gearbox:)
  2. https://decadastore.com/products/klck-sauber-f1-team-c44-2024-c64010w offical page for the kick f1 car is up
  3. Update for the instructions i forgot that i had these pieces from the john deere harvester so the rear axle will use these pieces because this will make the rear axle more robust and sturdy:)
  4. Here is better look at the suspension pieces:)
  5. https://decadastore.com/products/cada-japanese-sushi-shop-c66018w here is new cada set:)
  6. No release date was shown and i have to look what else is lurking on our catalogs:) Here is the full page:)
  7. Well i went to my local supermarket and they had 2025 catalogs(finnish) and i found this on catalog is this new unreleased set?
  8. Well i have started to thinking and planning this months progress Firstly finnish the fixed instructions for the dump truck Secondly i will buy a ton of bush planes and skid steer polybags for pieces Thirdly start thinking new mocs and ideas So hopefully everything goes as planned but as always i maybe will do a few detours if i get a cool idea on my head and start planning that but stay tuned:)
  9. Well i saw yesterday this video and i wanted to point out how i did made the gearbox shifter more stronger so i used 2 of friction pins with stud and a bar to reinforcement the shifter and my system don't use a Rubber band My solution His solution And btw no offends to him he made a great b-model with the availdable pieces and i really want to build this b model:)
  10. Well i did do a little modification to the bush plane because im left handed and this model was designed for right handed peoples so i had to switch the gear rack and now it is working perfectly for left handed peoples:)
  11. Interestingly my local stores calls the new small bag sets R bags so maybe the new paper polybags official name is recycling bags because they don't use plastic anymore and polybag is for the plastic bag sets:)
  12. Well this truck youtube video is my most viewed video in that channel so thank you for the support and im really shocked now how popular this tiny truck is wow i did not exped this to blow up and about the instructions i have been in christmas holiday so the instructions will come in january and have a great new year:)
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