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About jedikermit

  • Birthday 06/12/1973

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    Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Interests
    LEGO, Muppets, Superheroes, Books, Running, History


  • Country
    United States

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  1. I love the fawn too. I'll get a few of them. I do wish there were a "regular" deer in the mix to go along with Castle or Forest or some kind of something. But for now I'll take the cracked-out Bambi. Now I want to make a Bambi vignette. We've got Thumper, Owl, Bambi...what are the chances of the next Friends animals sets including a Skunk?
  2. Great review Hinckley! I love it when reviews make me laugh as I'm reading them, alerting my co-workers to my internet shenanigans when I should be productive. As the owner of two sons, I've been slow to get on the Friends bandwagon, but man. Some of these sets are really great.
  3. I'd be really stunned if LEGO didn't make new Killer Croc and a Man-Bat minifigs using the molds from Chima for Croc and the Monster Fighters Vampire Bat for Man-Bat. They're such...no-brainers. Already sculpted, active molds, ready to go, and perfect for both characters, depending on what they want to do with them. Then again, I thought Green Lantern and Flash would be seen by now based on their appearances in the video game, so what do I know?
  4. Excellent work again--love the Sherlock Holmes torso for Clock King. Yoink!
  5. A custom of the Judge is the first thing I thought of when I saw that character in the Series 9 Minifigs; great job!
  6. That's beautiful, Captain Nemo. Love the lines and colors and size of it, and it looks great with the four classic Super Friends "flying" out of it. And BrickG, we absolutely need Flash and Green Lantern and other heroes, but that group of four heroes he included (plus Robin) was the original Super Friends roster in the 70s, which is where the Hall of Justice he built came from. So even if some people think Aquaman sucks (I personally love him and his orange shirt), it's completely accurate for the model. Love it, Nemo!
  7. Hey guys, just took pictures of some updated custom minifigures: Back row is just standard Batman and Nightwing without the stupid manga hairpiece; In front of them is the Damian Wayne Robin, who I'm actually starting to like; In front of him, Tim Drake's Red Robin and Barbara Gordon Batgirl; Front row is Huntress and Commissioner Gordon. I'd already made Huntress and Commissioner Gordon back in 2007 or so, and decided to update them to fleshies. Batgirl's red hair is sculpted from Sculpey polymer clay, painted with acrylic paint and then sealed.
  8. Worrrrd. Hopefully even if the "focus" is on those characters, we get an occasional classic villain. Because looking at those just depresses me. I don't want minifigs of them, I don't want to watch a cartoon with them, I don't want my sons to watch a cartoon with them. That and my 8 year old loving Robin all make me kind of hesitant about this whole series. Wah.
  9. I'm excited for the Minfigure Year by Year book as well...and for the kids novels in the DC and Star Wars universes. More just that it indicates continued support for the DC Super Heroes than that I actually want to read them.
  10. You're almost convincing me to buy some of these...
  11. I like it -- Batman-inspired, but definitely Nightwing's own ride. I dig it.
  12. That does look fantastic--I really like the simple shapes, but all of the details. You've got all the rooms we've seen in the first two movies; can't wait to see how LEGO does it.
  13. I love the heck out of all of those sets. I love the pairing of mini architecture with the minifigs, and your choice of classic star wars aliens is awesome. I can't believe LEGO has had the SW license for over a decade now, and still no Hammerhead, no Squidhead, no Ree Yees. The prequels and Clone Wars have reemphasized some of those races, but still nada. :( Love the cantina idea too, and how you pulled it off. I'd love to see that. Oh, and that Ewok pack? Completely and utterly charming. The baby. THE BABY!!! Love it, great drawings, nice LDD design. Count me in.
  14. Thanks for the suggestions, Dr. Cogg! I love the idea of including Jor-El (Supermans Kryptonian Dad) in the set--it'd be awesome if LEGO could do a transparent blue minifig of him, like a ghost or hologram thing.
  15. The wait for the Aquaman set is kuh kuh kuh killing me. I keep checking Toys R Us and Target and Walmart, and nothing. This Christmas money is burning a hole in my pocket. Come on, Aquaman On Ice!!!
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