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  1. Congrars Mikeyb. Great embassy Rolli. Captain Beerbeard, looking forward to the MOC.
  2. Here you go However, my building time has currently gone down a lot and I may be building only fewer smaller MOC's. It seems reality has finally caught up with me .
  3. I've had a serious decrease in building time. Also I'm on holiday and can't even start to think about building till I get back, but I hope to be building soon.
  4. You are forgetting the druids and the elves who came and lived in the forest while taking part in the war against drow.
  5. I've had an idea. I am going to create a list of all the creatures in historica. The ones I can think of are: Human, elf (I think their should be different types of elf e.g high elf (most wise), wood elf (from the forest), water elf (live near the sea etc), drow, orc, dwarf and troll. CCan antone think of any others?
  6. I also haven't been able to build to much these past 2 months. Not sure I'll get my embassy completed. When can we start. This might start the posts again (which Avalonia hasn't had much of recently). On a side note, all the other guilds have a fair amount of members now, shouldn't Avalonia be re-opened to new-comers?
  7. This is a Greek temple, not a Roman temple.
  8. Found the camera. Here is the sig fig with the new hair
  9. All the gladiators are looking great. I wonder who number 22 will be. I've still not seen any dwarfs in the games, and this is the kind of thing they would excel at. Also, lets see those dragons and griffins and other winged creatures .
  10. ???? Don't you mean Gimli's beard, not Gandalf's?
  11. I have changed my sig fig's hair to the CMF elf's hair, except in black (I used a permanent marker). I will upload images as soon as I can find the camera.
  12. can't wait for LEGO Lord of the Rings!

  13. The Wither woods is a region we have not really built in. Also the majority of it is in Kaliphlin. There are no towns in it either so it is not a good location. If you want woods, pick somewhere in the enchanted forest. However, if you want fields and not so much of a wood, my town of Basilita will welcome you with open arms (no.14 on the map).
  14. Fantastic build, and I love the story behind it. That really would be a grim duty.
  15. Is anyone, except from me, in this guild going to sign up for the drow gladiator games?
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