Strange that these pictures are still up here on Eurobricks. Because on a lot of blogs (Brickfan, Lord of the Brick) LEGO "requested" the pics to be removed, or else they will have your entire blog removed.
I have watched this twice now, it's a quite hypnotizing with the morphing effect.
Almost a professional video.
Maybe the image resolution could be a bit higher, what resolution are the pictures that you took?
But really, that's just nitpicking.
I think you did an amazing job with limited equipment!
What browser do you use? Try a different browser first, like Chrome, so you can test if this is a software issue or not.
If this is a browser related issue, there are a lot of things that can cause this, like outdated plugins (Flash, java, Silverlight), or add ons like an adblocker.
Yes, so Greenpeace is hypocritical.
But does that mean it's okay for LEGO to be hypocritical as well?
On the one hand, collaborating with WWF (when it's about image) and on the other hand working together with Shell (when it's about money).
The app needs to scan that plate to check if you actually bought the overpriced set, I guess....?
Saw it on this video, but maybe I misunderstood.