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About goalieboy82

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  1. would Sand Yellow work too?
  2. was just wondering on what colors would be the right ones (i know where to get the parts).
  3. any other colors needed (and plants)
  4. i was wondering, what color bricks should i use for an diorama of an island off of Southern Africa, say something like off of Angolan or Mozambique (or even Gabon). its will be an alt past (South African Border War time)
  5. there are Pigs on the Wing.
  6. and now he is a US citizen: https://pagesix.com/2018/11/16/billy-idol-becomes-us-citizen/
  7. song is named after this:
  8. i do hope we now see more none license ideas (or licenses that are easy to get)
  9. anyway, does this mean someone could do a Honeymooners Lego idea set since we now have the Flintstones. also
  10. Lego MST3K is still on there (on its own page). on the home page it is not there. also i think the RuPaul idea wont pass. i think Lego doesn't want to die on that hill just yet (with RuPaul not being family friendly). maybe years down the road when people don't care about that but not now (i don't care one way or another about Drag Queens/Kings, i have a friend i use to work with that is a Drag King).
  11. i don't get why the plot is being taken down for Avengers Infinity War on website* (like Wikipedia) even though the film is already out in Australia and other places. if Disney didn't want people to know the plot, they would not have released it already (maybe release the film all over the world at the same time). *was up this morning on there.
  12. let me rephrase it: does anyone have copy of the Vlad Tower or Highland Keep instructions that Brickmania did.
  13. is this possible for anyone to do.
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