Thanks DLuders.
But I have no motivation at the moment to post anything that has to do with my MOC.
Think about it, you have a nice idea, which you post on this forum expecting it to be a Work In Progress thread where you post pictures of your progress and where people comment and give advice.
Then somebody else comes around, takes the idea and completely steals your thunder.
That doesn't make you want to post a WIP MOC, only a finished product.
Again, I don't have a problem if people find my MOC inspiring and want to make something themselves as well. But if somebody else completely takes over my idea, yes then I have a problem with that.
This is not about anything against zbij of course, I like what he did as well. But I found it a bit rude that he didn't post his version of the mini crawler on my thread instead of making his own thread with my idea. Maybe the mods could have merged the threads. After all, it is technically the same creation, that spun from my brain and made him think about how he could make one as well.