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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Swert

  • Birthday 09/15/1987

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    Lakewood, WA
  • Interests
    Bionicle, Wiki building, Website design, Graphics Design, music.


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    United States

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  1. Alright, I might be going nuts here, but I cannot recall prior to this update whether or not they added these parts, and nobody has mentioned it yet, so let's bring it up and see what happens. 3x3 plate, and inverted 2x2 tile. To the best of my knowledge, these two elements have never been in LDD prior to this update, nor do they exist in the real world. Any insight, or am I just crazy?
  2. Man, given the hunk of parts here, even I could probably build something this year in this theme. Glad I sent you two :P I look forward to the following writeups, Aanchir.
  3. Looks amazing, guys. I look forward to picking up Shock Trooper armor in the near future. Too bad we can't get Rec-Er, should we call it Survey?
  4. Oh silly Erebus... Coulda told me you posted this over here. I could easily have helped out by making EB-specific banners too. So yeah, buy GN8 and 9 and stuff. Then buy GN 10 : D
  5. So, who wants to thank the nice Swertman? http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Swert109/BS.../bmmatanui2.jpg Just remember, it is 2,153 pixels. HIGH. You have now been warned. Don't say I didn't do so. For reference, this is the Brickmaster poster from this month's issue. I assume since Europe does NOT get this, you didn't see this before. So now you did. For note: five scanning sessions, photomerging in Photoshop, and 2 hours of fold line removal went into this project. PLEASE don't just report it to BZP news without considering how much work went into bringing this here. -Swert
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeFLjmPOo3k Newest clip. Totally worth it. -Swert
  7. And the other half have COLLECTIBLE KANOHI. As the owner of BS01, I take offense to that, but that is your opinion.
  8. Yeah, I doubt they'd do that. If they did, they'd lose a ton of credibility. We'd be looking at Summer 2010 content in June 2010 and wonder if it was really that. Plus, why drop names such as that? You're better off just saying that Lhikan was coming back and bringing Matoro right behind him. -Swert
  9. Aaand that just proves it for me. If Bink decided to surf over to comment on it, it's probably fake. Ah well, better luck next year, EB. -Swert
  10. ... *shuffles into convo late* I think the lists are all fake. But I'll still keep them off of BS01. *shuffles back out*
  11. Y'know, with all that in mind, I'm gonna have to ask my staff to work double shifts to keep this stuff off of BS01. People would jump at the opportunity to add stuff like this to it.
  12. I dunno, at this rate I'm kinda glad we didn't get the clip. For the most part, I want to be mostly surprised with the story. As it is, there is a great chance of that still happening. Besides, who wants to see a camcorder viewing of the clip? Horrible quality, no tripod, and chances are unallowed by Lego anyway. No thank you. -Swert
  13. I'm very happy with the animation style so far, the voice work is definately above that done in Bionicle 1, and I'm really excited to see this movie. I just can't wait for the next clip. Next monday can't come any sooner, I swear.
  14. Hey folks, bit of a warning about the BS01 Core War thing, you need to be a BZP member to post a topic, HOWEVER there will be an email set up to send for non-BZP members to enter. But you'd need to be a BS01 member instead. And before you think I don't know what I'm saying, I'll prove it to users who don't know who I am ;) And yes, I also plan to enter, if the community allows me to. We'll be hiring judges to decide the winners. -Swert
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