As a designer I would love to be able to share concept with you guys but I'm afraid that I cannot. Being a business we have a lot of competitors that are searching and finding what makes us so great so I can't show that process because of that. We've had other companies copy or steal our ideas (that's why posting leaks are so bad for us...) If we ever get the chance, a LOT of us would be very happy to share that aspect with you guys. I especially know the graphic designers would love to! I love drawing minifigure concepts! But I'm sorry, I can't share anything like that with you guys.
The best I can offer is this link:
It's the video of the Graphic Designer who mentored me when I first joined the company. Djordje discusses his work on the minifigures for the Hobbit line. Plus he shows some of the cool concept sketches he drew up for them.
Thanks genecyst! But that was Julian who designed those stickers But it's great to hear that! As graphic designers we usually don't hear much about the stickers, it's usually the "There's too many stickers! I didn't apply the stickers for this review, etc, etc..." So it's appreciated to hear that you liked them
Hey TCM, my favourite set in this theme would probably be the Hurricane Heist that Fred built. I'm a sucker for big robots and he delivered! Plus, it has one of my favourite minifigures I designed for the theme: Psyclone! If I had control over the theme, what would I make? Good question! Since I'm not a model designer (but I do build, and have built sketch models for Agents) I really can't say... It's goes with the whole "competitor" aspect thing so I really can't discuss that. Sorry. And the license I would like as a theme? Well, to be honest, we pretty much covered everything I've ever wanted We have Spider-Man, Marvel, and Star Wars so I'm pretty happy
And the last part I want to add is the "Special Top Secret List of References!"