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Eurobricks Vassals
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About badgogo

  • Birthday 05/16/1977

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  1. Finally a hospital which can deliver services to more than 2 or 3 Minifig :D Nice job.
  2. They are pretty cool. I always preferred 4 studs wide vehicles. You should also build a stair vehicle and an aircraft tow tractor.
  3. Thank you, guys! Thank you. I spent some time to find the proper solution but in the end i decided that this one is the best for me.
  4. It looks really great. I also like the sound of it, it's like a Diesel engine. :D
  5. This one makes me think of Christmas! . Nice. Keep building!!
  6. It looks really nice!
  7. A simple constructions with high effect. I think it will fit perfect to your layout.
  8. It is really great to see old style bricks "sticked" together with the new one. I miss a lot the 4 studs vehicles. Great job Severus A!!
  9. Thanks for your appreciations, guys! Yes, it was chosen among the finalists. As a matter of fact it tooks 6th place at Brickstory Contest witch was a really nice contest with so many beautiful MOC's . It had great time doing this Moc even if my spare time is almost null. I really need some free time to do what i like. :(
  10. Thanks a lot, guys. I'm really glad you like it. Unfortunately it isn't motorized. It's really tricky to do it because i decided to use a 4 studs gauge and i tried to add as many detail as i could. I'm working on another steam-engine (same model) which will be powered with a 9V train motor. When it will be ready i'll post it .
  11. It took a while since my last Moc. :D This one try to represent the steam train from Vaser Valley - Maramures County, Transylvaia, Romania. It's called "Mocanita" : https://en.wikipedia...g/wiki/Mocăniță. It's a narrow railway steam-engine made in Romania, at Resita somewere in 1950. Hope you will like it. DSC_4417 by tomoiaga, on Flickr 1 bun by tomoiaga, on Flickr 3 bun by tomoiaga, on Flickr DSC_4427 by tomoiaga, on Flickr 6 bun by tomoiaga, on Flickr 7 bun by tomoiaga, on Flickr 5 bun by tomoiaga, on Flickr 2 bun by tomoiaga, on Flickr 8 bun by tomoiaga, on Flickr DSC_4437 by tomoiaga, on Flickr DSC_4442 by tomoiaga, on Flickr DSC_4450 by tomoiaga, on Flickr DSC_4451 by tomoiaga, on Flickr DSC_4455 by tomoiaga, on Flickr DSC_4456 by tomoiaga, on Flickr DSC_4458 by tomoiaga, on Flickr And some picture with the model: IMG_1136 by tomoiaga, on Flickr 08.With-Mocanita by tomoiaga, on Flickr 02.Cu-Mocanita-pe-Vaser-in-sus by tomoiaga, on Flickr 01-cff_764493_1956 by tomoiaga, on Flickr hqdefault by tomoiaga, on Flickr Enjoy. :D
  12. No. I found that picture on the internet. I saw a few in Maramures but i was not lucky to have the photo camera with me.
  13. Really nice! I can't wait to see it in action to an exhibition. It looks like this: Herc112_zpseff8e95b by tomoiaga, on Flickr
  14. Thanks a lot, guys!!!
  15. Thanks!! The landscape is created from imagination. For the wooden houses, the wooden church ,the water mill, the old cart and the other details (old distillery, old plow) i use some models: 450px-Biserica_de_lemn_din_Mănăstirea_Bârsana by tomoiaga, on Flickr images by tomoiaga, on Flickr moara by tomoiaga, on Flickr muzeul-satului-maramuresean by tomoiaga, on Flickr Budesti_Josani.ulita by tomoiaga, on Flickr muzeul_satului by tomoiaga, on Flickrmuzeul-satului by tomoiaga, on Flickr caruta by tomoiaga, on Flickr plug by tomoiaga, on Flickr cazan-tuica by tomoiaga, on Flickr
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