Well... This is a rather new development that these two are fighting... They've rather swayed throughout the game back and forth, but lets see.
Michael makes some excellent points and a list to boot. But so does Big Suze. Now, from what I can tell, both have been rather pointy, in the way of fingers, of course. Big Suze has escaped death time and time again throughout the game, without making much evidence, nor even killing an infected. So. From these deductions, shes either a very hasty person, or a wiener.
Although I'm not entirely convinced yet.
Although, shes the one thats been mostly pointing fingers, and all around transparent, laying the blame on others to get out of it. She's escaped death too.
This sure is an interesting point. However, Big Suze seems to be winning the airlock toss in numbers at the moment, so lets look at this logically:
-We vote Big Suze, she's a wiener.
-Big Suze is tossed, and she's not a wiener, and Michael bites the dust.
Seems to me we have little choice, the black hole is growing closer, and the AI is getting pretty bitchy lately, the quicker we get this over with and the wieners out of the airlock, the better.
I can't wait to plot a course to Eroticon VI...
Michael seems to have made the right deductions and gives the best evidence here. So...
Vote: LtCmdr. Susan Antares/Shadows