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Eurobricks Citizen
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About filefolders

  • Birthday 07/29/1909

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    LEGO bricks, my dog, lying about my age (did you really think I was senile enough for 99?), video games that make you think, recycling, and preaching about the evil of Splenda. Don't drink diet soda!!!

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  1. I'd really like to see more imperial powers. Bluecoats would be very nice to see in addition to the current redcoats. Natives are always good, as well. Really, I just want more factions than the two currently available.
  2. Billy Mays, and now this. Is everything that was ever good on television is going to die this summer? Jeez.
  3. This is great. The shapes and colours are very good.
  4. I like this. It does a good job of looking like it's in a desert city. It doesn't look too clean either.
  5. I agree, and I think LEGO needs to try to make its way back towards its older 'beauty in creativity' style than the current 'super hyper flick missile launcher mega fun pack' stuff. Well, medieval Europe didn't have undead armies or magicians. Military campaigns didn't center around kidnapping princesses. Most war in colonial times did not center around pirate islands or stealing treasure. It's been romanticized in that way. Romanticized modern war would be something like Adventurers.
  6. I don't sort, but I keep the pieces from each bag in their own piles. Then, I just get a feel for what's where as I build.
  7. LEGO has a no violence policy. While more recent themes (Wild West, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Exo Force) have had modern war elements, an actual World War theme is out of the question. The great wars are not something that has become fantasy. Wild West has been romanticized. Star Wars is science fiction. Indiana Jones is a pulp action movie. But World War One and Two? There is nothing fantastic in thousands of soldiers being mowed down as they go over the top. The closest thing to those sets you'll see any time soon are the fighter plane models and Indiana Jones.
  8. I like them. They look very otherworldly.
  9. Enjoy your stay, Dialtone. Keep it bricky.
  10. Rebellious colonials have my allegiance. The Lobster-Backs do have the best uniforms, though.
  11. Apparently, you can buy me right now. File Folders Edit: Whoa! I even have free shipping on large orders. That's sweet.
  12. I'm always a sucker for mass transit. I am eager to see if option two can be incorporated into my LEGO city.
  13. That's great although I always thought of them as being red for some reason. They're in Force Unleashed, huh? I'll look into that. I've only seen one picture from a Knights of the Old Republic comic. Have you seen this LEGO Basilisk? http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/7332 That model is probably why I see them as red.
  14. Really, I would like to be a freelance merchant but I do not want to be the standard fictional lawless rogue so it's Imperial Guard for me. For king and country!
  15. You did it! All right! Now you just have to join the Eurobricks Ladies. Edit: You know, with my bubbling charisma, I could start a cult!
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