I choose Helm's Deep because, number 1, there are 8 minifigures, only 8 stickers I think, and the actual printing on the minifigs. I know that The Mines of Moria has all exlusive minifigs except Gimli, but everything has a sticker. When comparing these sets you have the Cave Troll for The Mines of Moria but you have Haldir and Theoden for Helm's Deep. The only thing I don't like about Helm's Deep is they don't enclued the keep. I wouldn't have cared if the set was $150 instead of $130. It would cost at least $20 to make, the proper peices under bricklink cost about $.10 a peice in bulk, so if you wanted a proper sized keep you would have to spend at least $20. All in all my list goes like this.
1. The Battle of Helm's Deep
2. Uruk-hai Army
3. The Mines of Moria
4. The Orc Forge
5. Attack on Weathertop
6. Shelob Attacks.
7. Gandalf Arrives.
I've been waiting for so long for these sets to come out that I don't really have a least favotite.