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Eurobricks Vassals
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About legocharles

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  1. I agree with the mandibles dropping. Being an owner of the 10179, I must say the drooping seems to have (visually and subjectively) gotten worse since I first built it. I temporarily pillars under the mandibles, but while fixing the drooping, in worsened the looks. I remember that the drooping was evident from day one. Is that still the case with the newer version?
  2. HI guys, I cannot wait to mod my Falcon! (still in the box). I have two 50cm led kits on hand (that can be cut if needed). Will 50 cm be long enough for the “curve” needed? Also, have some of you tried to use two strips of leds? I am not worried about brightness, but I thought it might improve light uniformity. On every posted picture, the light looks quite uniform, but I am wondering if the camera is helping that or not.
  3. MINE Got shipped today!
  4. FInal ordsr received. Construction will begin soon!
  5. That engine MOC looks so much better than what LEGO did...why, oh why did they have to use those two pirate ship parts again? (I know why, it is a lot less expensive for LEGO, same thing for the stickers instead of printed parts). As good as the new MF looks, it will be easily improved by the MOCers around here. I cannot wait to see what others come up with!
  6. Well, I guess all the available MF have already been allocated and/or shipped. My order still says "Waiting for new stock"...has anyone in Canada managed to get one?
  7. First order (!) has arrived from Italy. Two more orders to receive and I am ready to star building!
  8. Well indeed, the word review is inappropriate. You should not review something you have no experience with. A comment is what I have left, not a review for sure. And stop discriminating people by their age. It has nothing to do with the validity of someone's comment. This is harsh too. (though I do not feel attacked by this harsh comment of yours since I am old enough to have bought the original 375-2 iconic yellow castle with my own money...) Oh, and please, refrain from telling me not to post comments in the LEGO customer reviews section. That is someone else's job.
  9. That is a bit harsh. I did not think about giving le MF a bad rating on the LEGO website before, but that is what I am going to do right now (I didn't get mine obviously...).
  10. I wonder too. But it will go back up when people start bricklinking the new version! Talking of bricklink, has anybody been able to the instructions PDF for it?
  11. Difficult to believe indeed it is. In Canada, we were certainly not allowed to order more than one. The few times I managed to access LEGOs extremely buggy website, it always said limit 1 per customer. I guess they learned from what happened in Europe a few hours earlier. I cannot remember how many times I got this one in my shopping cart to see it automatically removed a few seconds later. When I finally the website finally let me pay for one, maybe 45 minutes later, it was 30 days backordered :( Bad, bad amateurish LEGO webite. They even managed to charge me 45$ for shipping even though it was supposed to be free shipping... LEGO screwed big time on launching this one.
  12. I understand people's frustration (I was unable to get mine too), but please, don't call this "over 1000$ of my canadian dollars item" a kid's toy because it is not. I recently bought a backordered LEGO (I cannot remember which one it was), and they still managed to ship it to me within a few days even though it said backordered - 30 days initially.
  13. Same experience here. I ordered one, but only managed to get it "backordered, will ship in 30 days". Still, last time I got such a message (I cannot remember for what set it was), LEGO finally shipped it to me 2 days later instead of one month later. I therefore believe there is hope, for those who managed to place an order online early today, that one might receive their UCS MF within a few days, even though the system says "backerdered, 30 days". Personnally, If LEGO manages to find me one within a week, I will be happy. If not, I will cancel my order and wait for an interesting promotion before ordering again, no matter how long it takes. The thrill for me was to get one as soon as it comes out. If I have to wait a month, this does not matter anymore and I can wait much longer.
  14. Finally, I have finished searching my current bricks stock and I already have 2500 of the bricks needed for this build. The remaining 1900 ones I have just ordered from 3 different stores on bricklink. Construction wil begin soon!
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