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  1. i waqs talking about the pit. the pits are on corasaunt. oh, and im not sure how it connects to the main story, im using it to get in. oh, and i was going to post the fight, but you can by all means. edit: forgot color, sorry http://www.flickr.com/photos/28667661@N03/2674420955/color]
  2. weres man bat?
  3. i never saw robins alter ego, or batgirl. or man bat. or bullok. or harvey.
  4. the cells are on corosaunt, and i cant post pics! but i can put a vid on bbcck, my bros u tube acount (i asked and he said only if he pressents it ( he loves lego and follows the story, bless him
  5. my normal weapon is a pick (as slave) sorry no pics still, they wont fit on page.
  6. OK, villians missions! yup. now, each title has a pun! leaded by clawdete and her animal androids, (lazer lion, scare bare and shark spark) can she stop the old and new (mace, inferno, amuse) here goes: missoin 1: safe-ty first!: jaser lion is breaking a safe! can he stop agent mace (and his mace arm and moter bike)? includes a safe, laser lion (with a white and grey clawdete uniform) and lazre arm and mace (agent with arm with skelleton mace on) safe and moter bike missin 2: icy stop! ice cream muncher mech vs helecopter spider salon: claw detes killer base and salon walker vs agent jet car infernos mid repaaint sea base (half blue half orange base with disguised boat igloo kills you!: agent eskimo in his ski vs igloo with lazer emerging
  7. im xela, this is zues and mendis.you kinda wreked the passage we were making. you crashed here on some strange ship. doc russo told us to gett you changed. oh, and i hope your strong, they got a sharakan to fight tomorrow... sorry for the lack, Ive got this book ive got to write. oh, and doc is the founder, a sharkfin is a sharkman, and i cant build mack, plus i can upload pics. i will make a brickshelf acount soon though. oh, and the slaves are on corasaunt. i was going to wait until the bounty hunter was defeated, but he had a brother, then a pod arived and ith had about the hunter buying slaves on corasaunt, but this is fine. oh, soz about pics, i have made the police sighter (a controll, my bed, some weirdos bed, and some creeps, and the crash site on ldd for the bit before the pit! color]
  8. i dout it, as it includes two figs
  9. wave 1 2009: tod: £8: free the slave: includes: wall with jewels, slave with pick, slace driver, short round £19 mines willi, indy, thug, shortie, two carts, two tracks. motorised £29: shanghi showdown: lao che, willi, indy, thug, shortie: dragon, gong, tble, club stuff, cars £70:temple of kali: chatter, mola, thug, shot round, wili, indy (new head (one kalified, one grinning). includes whench, stones, mine cart going along back, lava wave two: rotla/lc 8: cairo : marion, monkey man, thug: stall, bike, pots, monkey 20: circis train: fedora, train, indy, goon 30: dog fight: twom planes, indy, vogel, piolot, seagull, henery snr, luggage 60: grail night, elsa, indy, sala marcusdonovan: enterance, three levals, one with blades, one with falling flooor, one with thin strip and grails im gonna break your bricks ( so i can have them)
  10. both: thanks for the overveiw, helped alot. jimbutcher: if you havent already got it, then you dont need to bother, however if you wish to post during the time im a slave, you will need it. i shall wear it until i become a
  11. no, like whats happend in the story so far
  12. well...ok fedora hat, muts/grand moff tarkin head, depending on wether happy or angry (or rebel troop head), city sweaper body, orange legs on bley hips, black hands name: xela mirinatan age:27 force sensative backeround: born in a shallow under city, he was sold to a terreble pack of corosaunt police (stormtroopers with white mars mission helmets). he is desperate to escape the pit fight buisness. thing is, hes heard that a group of heros are comming... MacK:Be sure to have a plan for how your character will fit in to the current story; if you have any ideas for the future plot make sure to pm them to someone else so that other players know what you're doing : well, a group of you could burst throgh and seek refuge, i give it in exange for freedom, or the heros arive and are enemys whith you sweaper: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17840 soz, i should have said builder, but i got mine from a sweeaper in a calender. if you dont have it, get this set (its cheap, and if your going to free me all the slaves wear it btw, could some one do a overveiw of each group, for each charecter? if not, ill try
  13. anakins new hair, gray ghosts head, sweapers body, orange legs on bley hips, black hands name: xela mirinatan age:27 force sensative backeround: born in a shallow under city, he was sold to a terreble pack of corosaunt police (stormtroopers with white mars mission helmets). he is desperate to escape the pit fight buisness. thing is, hes heard that a group of heros are comming...
  14. soz, ive made several others. just i cant post pics.
  15. m-18, drasito city center xela and his freinds burst through the doors into the city. a swamp of skelletons were charging through the town, raiding and killing.xela charged at a black skellie, but itt through him to the ground. xela got up and drew his sword and struck his helmet. small damade was done to the skelleton, but then it cut his hip with the syth. he kiked it into the pond behind and alerted the gaurds. they would have to hurry, as time was running out...
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