wave 1 2009:
£8: free the slave: includes: wall with jewels, slave with pick, slace driver, short round
£19 mines willi, indy, thug, shortie, two carts, two tracks. motorised
£29: shanghi showdown: lao che, willi, indy, thug, shortie: dragon, gong, tble, club stuff, cars
£70:temple of kali: chatter, mola, thug, shot round, wili, indy (new head (one kalified, one grinning). includes whench, stones, mine cart going along back, lava
wave two: rotla/lc
8: cairo : marion, monkey man, thug: stall, bike, pots, monkey
20: circis train: fedora, train, indy, goon
30: dog fight: twom planes, indy, vogel, piolot, seagull, henery snr, luggage
60: grail night, elsa, indy, sala marcusdonovan: enterance, three levals, one with blades, one with falling flooor, one with thin strip and grails
im gonna break your bricks ( so i can have them)