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About Legoking

  • Birthday 04/04/1994

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    Turbo tank

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    New York
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    I like star wars lego and putting random lego bricks together too! I also like to make custom lego star wars clone troopers and painting them.


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  1. Eurobricks Members, It’s been quite a long time. I’m in pursuit of the original Lego wooden pull along duck from the 1930’s. If anyone has one in great condition, I’d be very interesting in not only seeing pictures, but maybe purchasing it. I’m also looking for Lego wooden pull along toys from the same timeframe (strictly focusing on animals). Please feel free to comment if you know anyone who might have a massive collection of them and/or open to selling. Thank you.
  2. Still available as of 9/2/20.
  3. Eurobricks community, It has been many years since I’ve been active on the forums as I used to be an extreme regular user. Pushed my LEGO collecting days aside years ago and getting back into it. I’m specifically looking for Wooden LEGO early toys from the 1930’s -1940’s - mainly the pull along animals. Is there anyone that specializes or is extremely familiar with this sector of LEGO and the value of each item - give or take condition and model? Also, could someone please give their opinions on the year estimates for these toys and what they are worth in the condition. I’m looking to buy them. Thanks again Eurobricks community. All comments and assistance is welcome and greatly appreciated. LegoKing
  4. Up for trade/sale are 2 lots. The first lot is for all the brickarms weapons from 2009-2010. All are in very excellent condition, and the 2010 sci-fi pack is complete. The spartan armor packs are new/unopened, which are from brick forge, and the top middle right area are all early brick forge weapons and gear. All the Star Wars parts/torsos are the second lot up for sale/trade. All toros are in good condition. The only torso that has a small crack on the side is the green one. The Jar Jar head is cracked near the bottom area where it connects to the torso. Open to offers and/or trades. Again, you cannot pick parts and pieces. You can either buy/trade for the entire Star Wars lot, or the entire brickarms/brick forge lot. I am on Eurobricks straight-shooter list. Please be reasonable and respectful when making offers. Only will trade for complete sets, not theme restricted, or a PayPal transaction Thank you. LegoKing
  5. The UCS falcon in September, but that is going to put me back for a while on new Lego acquisitions since it was $799.99 USD.
  6. I wonder how long it is going to take for TLG to catch up on VIP backorders alone. Saw it was updated on their product page from being exclusive to VIP members from November and now pushed it through December. Looks like they are going to potentially go into the new year catching up on orders before they are available to the public. I spent 4 hours trying secure mine when it released in September.
  7. Thank you @CopMike. After being a member since 2008, I am sincerely glad to see Eurobricks has been thriving each year since I joined. Happy Holidays to all.
  8. I've missed this for the past 3 years, hopefully my entry still counts. I got the time zone mixed up because I live in New York. Hope your in a jolly mood today Mike. Thanks again for having this raffle.
  9. This is Boba Fett's ideal Christmas tree (aka the most random tree he could find). As always, Fett is looking to get paid. That is my signature minifig for those of you who didn't notice who Fett is bartering with. I know this was late, and had the time messed up because I live in New York, I apologize. Would appreciate it I could be entered in this raffle, if not, good luck to all, and great MOC's by all the participants.
  10. Finally was able to get my hands on one of these bad boys after all the years I've been saving up for him!
  11. It's been a while since I've been on eurobricks, but congratulations Phred.
  12. I'm finaly glad to see TLG is bringing back the blue coats. My passion for Lego my reignite once again.
  13. Funny story about clone and knockoff Lego products in general. There is a building in Billund, that houses the famous Lego vault containing every Lego set made to date, I am almost certain of. But walking around upstairs in the museum, you see the history of how Lego evolved over time, including a red car model that Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen build years ago. But later on we were taken to this semi-secret room that is filled with Chinese knockoffs and clones of Lego. I went on this tour back in 2011, but our tour guide said how hard TLG tries to eradicate Lego clones from stores, but it is a hard battle for them to win.
  14. I believe this might be another explanation that will answer your question Captain Fortune. In the 1990's and early 2000's, TLC was not doing that well and recording losses of significant amounts. Check out and read this short article.
  15. Haven't logged onto eurobricks in months, but to log on and see this is great news and made my dad. Can't wait to see the final ship design and will look forward to buying it. Long live lego pirates!
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