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dr jones

Eurobricks Citizen
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About dr jones

  • Birthday December 26

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    Black Falcons castle

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    playing the guitar


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  1. Doesn't that GWP look like a lot of pieces for a €75 freebie?
  2. (This is somewhat of a bump, but since it's a dedicated thread and this is actually new material, bumping seemed preferable to opening a new thread) Hi all, These are the first pictures documenting the ongoing quest of a small Lego knight in a large and unruly world, otherwise known as The Romance of the Brick. Keep up!
  3. Lovely, classic aesthetic!
  4. Me and the pirates had some fun in Italy: IMG_20170709_124911_610 by Jorn Hubo - Flickr2BBcode LITE IMG_20170806_214004_952 by Jorn Hubo - Flickr2BBcode LITE
  5. Hi! I finally picked up my camera again: IMG_20170903_192851_783 by Jorn Hubo - Flickr2BBcode LITE
  6. Worked on Shakespeare for a while and finally found the Highlander Batman, so this popped up in my mind. "is this a dagger I see before me?" "Is this a dagger I see before me?" by Jorn Hubo, on Flickr
  7. Does anybody know if the dvd version includes the same bonus features as the bluray? I can't seem to find some proper information and the information on the package often is unreliable, I find.
  8. Meh, at most they make me excited for the other sets
  9. I was thinking, the Joker mouth is extremely crude compared to the other, more slick designs. Maybe it's something akin to Good Cop/Bad Cop with the marked out face, and it will actually have some weird metafictional in-movie explanation.
  10. Am I the only one who finds the use of axes to build a tree rather ironic? It's a beautiful tree, though!
  11. This is very well done! The stairs joke was genius.
  12. I like it. The sticker (sadly) on the wall is just perfect, the big doors remind me of Arkham City and the minifigures included make for more familydrama than the average GoT episode. If only Batman came in all his bare chested , Neil Adamsy goodness... I only fear for the price here in Belgium...
  13. If Coulson was ever to come back, this is the best time. With the avengers having some...err... team problems, finding out the guy who died to bring them together is alive still, is some nice extra fuel on the fire.
  14. "Superhero landing!"
  15. A very simple fix for the astromech droid is just removing the 2x2 under the one with the one stud and the two 2x1 tiles for the droid's feet. Sure, it'll be stuck harder, but it looks miles better and doesn't change the height of the wings!
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