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Eurobricks Knights
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About gazumpty

  • Birthday 05/06/1983

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    Lego, Architecture, Football (soccer to you weirdos :P), Golf, Swimming, Cycling & really been bitten by the NFL bug!!


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  1. I really like this wee set...Its a fun little build too with all the details and functions. I was lucky to pick up a few when Amazon.co.uk had them reduced...they look good in mutiple numbers in an industrial/ cargo build.
  2. Fantastic work, I love how you have planned out and executed the interior.
  3. That swine!!! Good wee build...a nicely put together scene
  4. Nice work, I like the way you have achieved the streetscape with a different scale of frontage. Also kudos on the brick separator roof My only critique would be that the 'Pet Shop' with a dormer roof just sits a little uneasy in that line-up. I would experiment with a further band of detail (a few bricks) between the 2 storeys or move it up the street next to your MOC modular and try to line the elevations through with that. Other than that, great job
  5. 2 15 25 30 39 A fantastic contest this year, where there were so many entries that are worthy winners in their own right. I have decided to allocate a point to each of my top 5 (after a wee while of deliberation) as I could not separate them or feel like one had an edge over another. Good luck to everyone this year, amazing work from all the competitors and the competition organisers!!!
  6. Nice design LT... I also like the way you have achieved the inverted slopes at the entrance doors. I've always wondered how a suspended ceiling system...or exposed service pipes , structure, etc would look in your builds. Almost like a cross section through the store you have built be cool to see your take on it!
  7. Great work, a really nicely detailed and restrained front facade. I can't wait to see the interior work!
  8. Superb builds and amazing techniques and details. I love all the rooms but the gym takes it for me....especially with the maracas...what a workout!!
  9. Looking good so far...I like the colour scheme and your front elevation. Maybe work up the sign-age...something more 'Modular' styled with a bit of detail.
  10. This looks like a brilliant project...I cant wait to see it progress! I do love all your building work...but my favourite is the simple realism you have captured with the Power Lines...great work!
  11. Nice work on the MOD...maybe look at centring your sign a wee touch as the excess white on the right draws the eye. I really like your extended shop and the work you have started in the apartment...nice fireplace Good job..cant wait to see more updates!
  12. Really nice work...lots of great little scenes captured throughout the build. I like your kiosks and the little pond 'pergola'
  13. Great use of the Adidas lego and the yoga studio is nicely crafted. I really like your signage and SNOT floorwork!] Superb!
  14. Really nice build with some cracking details. I like the way you have kept the facades clean and simple but full of nice details and techniques. Cant wait to see more form you!
  15. Ha...love it...this was an era of Lego I missed during my 'Dark Ages'. It also explains some recent unexplained issues I have had... I picked up a few job lots of lego on ebay/car boot sales, ....and have found a load of these minifigs with weird facial details (same as above) and I was convinced that I had some clone/knock offs amongst the bricks now I realise that Lego took their design in a certain direction late 90's/into the 2000s. Great review...I really enjoy this type of post featuring sets that aren't just on the shelves.
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