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Eurobricks Ladies
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About Criosphynx

  • Birthday 08/16/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern California,
  • Interests
    Lego; Fabuland, Castle, Monorail, trains, Space, Aquazone,
    IRL; Gardening, reptiles, animal training, flipping, vintage stuff


  • Country
    USA (SoCal)

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  1. My goodness this is gorgeous. I've been saving fabuland parts to do something like this one day. This is full of great ideas. Aren't those blue chains super rare? I've never seen so many at once
  2. Stunning build :) Looks quite large even in the pics
  3. I'm so happy you included the clipper. Nice build :)
  4. OMG this moc makes me so happy. I love him. The cape really is a over the top touch (in a great way) that makes me laugh. Again, love it.
  5. Thank you for making it look true to the era, and not super modern. I personally think these mocs look best when they don't have too many obvious modern influences. Very nice.
  6. So my husbands relatives have thrown a Monkey wrench in my plans. Looks like I might have to attended a wedding instead. Will have exact dates soon. So for now I should probably be taken of the sharing a room list. If I can still go I'll just book something by myself. How frustrating. @Bonaparte
  7. I really hope two things, Firstly, a series of these would be awesome Secondly, perhaps this leads the way to even more "models" that are for decoration only and not for playsets. This set is the first new set to get me excited in a long time. I really like it.
  8. According to brickset I have 117. Its higher than that number because I don't input my for sale items into their database. So probably closer to 150-200
  9. any other suggestions as to where to stay if the park is booked up?
  10. That would be amazing. I wonder if the mods would consider it.
  11. I love vintage sets. I prefer the old town layouts I grew up with. So while I have nothing against modulars, when I build my city layout, it will be in the 80's 90's style. I know that most people will not like it. But its for me. I have learned that when I say I prefer vintage to modulars, no one really cares, in fact I've seen people get upset so I don't bother to post on the subject and I think that just snowballs. I don't collect minfigs or starwars either. So I have a hard time finding like minded people. So I'm happy for you guys, it must be nice to have so many people to talk to about your cities. I think you hit the nail on the head here. My generation (mid 30's) are mostly busy with careers and kids. I think we will see a large resurgence of the 90s stuff after older millenials retire. I remember being online back in the early 2000s and the focus was very different. Most lego fans I find in real life are much younger than I and not interested in the same things.
  12. Anyone willing to take in this noob? Looks like I just missed out on the ladies room. :( I'm 5'7 120lbs so I'm sure I'd fit on these bunk beds and wouldn't mind an air mattress if someone had one.
  13. alright. I'm going to do this. Just me. I'd prefer to share. Other ladies preferred but not mandatory. I don't think I should be responsible for anything, I need my hand held on this first time. See you guys in the other thread.
  14. Hi! Everyone was gracious to my face, but I'm sure many people thought it! I was in Munich at first and then south to the alps. Mostly in rural areas :) I'm German ancestry, so I look like I belong there, I think people were confused when I told them I was American, they would keep trying to speak to me in German like I was lying to them or pulling a prank :)
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