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Eurobricks Ladies
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About Criosphynx

  • Birthday 08/16/1982

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  • Location
    Southern California,
  • Interests
    Lego; Fabuland, Castle, Monorail, trains, Space, Aquazone,
    IRL; Gardening, reptiles, animal training, flipping, vintage stuff


  • Country
    USA (SoCal)

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About Me

TL:DR Wierd tomboy builds medieval spaceships for 30 years.


I've had lego as long as I can remember back (about 5 years old). We had a rubbermaid tub kept in the laundry room and I would have to ask to play with it, when I was done it was stashed again.

The OBSESSION began when I received the set 6034. I *think* I bought it with my own money, and I remember everything about building it vividly. I was mesmerized and wanted more. Every dollar, every birthday wish, every Christmas after that I asked for lego. Some of my relatives thought this odd that a girl wanted to build castles and spaceships, but they went along with it. We only got gifts on holidays, so I often had to wait 9 months to a year between big sets.

I had the largest collection I'd ever seen as a kid, but I would still see pics in the lego club magazine that made mine look tiny, but realistically, I had a large collection for the time, this was due to the fact that I always asked for it, and I never tired of it. I built a huge nonsensical layout on a giant desk in my bedroom that was intact for over a decade growing up.  Space, Castle, Western, Islanders, Aquazone, etc etc. I also had many sets older than me because back then you could still find lego at thrift stores fairly often. This is how I got most of my classic space stuff and some fabuland pieces.. I also got a train one year for Christmas, which was a huge deal for me.

I have had a couple dark ages come and go, mainly due to living in places that I could not build at. I did continue to add as time went by, something most people don't do. I moved around alot as a young adult and almost gave the collection away on at least 3 occasions due to the pain of moving hundreds of lbs of lego around, but luckily did not. Unfortunately during one move I unknowingly left a giant 30 gal tote of instructions behind that were likely thrown away :( :( It still makes me upset to think about it.


Anyway, I generally only own, build and buy vintage lego, I do have some modulars though.



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