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About Matthias

  • Birthday 01/13/1982

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    Werder Bremen, Badminton and Lego Pirates and my son :)


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  1. Thank you, that is a good plan. I prefer the old one, because LEGO is not good in printing white on a blue torso.
  2. A few days ago, someone actually viewed and liked my army, which I showed here in 2015, on Flickr. I'm so inactive here and there that I wondered if anyone had posted a bigger army in the meantime. But not yet. However, I have now taken this as an opportunity to provide another update on my army. Not that much has been added, because I have 4 children now and mainly build Ninjago and build my city with with my big son. However, I collected all my spare parts from 2015, ordered new torsos of the blue coat torsos from Lego and got about 50 soldiers together very cheaply. Long story short, here are the pictures ( Sorry I forgot how to embed images here directly): https://flic.kr/p/2pAMCx4 https://flic.kr/p/2pAT3pZ https://flic.kr/p/2pATHPb https://flic.kr/p/2pAUiws You can see here: 179 Soldiers from 1989 178 Soldiers from 2015 48 Soldiers from 2023 10 Officers from 1989 6 Officers from 2015 3 Officers from 2023 11 Seamen from 1989 (Car. Clipper) 2 Seamen from 2023 (Eldorado) 5 Gunboatofficer from 1989 1 Captain/Admiral from 2015 1 Admiral from 2015 3 G. Broadside from 1989 1 Admiral from 2023 1 King from 2015 (Chess) 5 custom military secret service soldier 1 custom military secret service officer 20 custom special forces soldier (torso rev. soldier) 12 Cavalarists (2015 Torso and legs daugher of the Admiral) 3 custom Gunnors 1 Captain out of a Lego- Catalogue from 1990 All together 490 Bluecoats.
  3. Absolutely, I have all ships. The IFS ist the only that cames near, but the new BSB is a bit better. I am glad to have the set twice.
  4. Oh Yes, a new Imperial Trading Post - 2800 Parts, 199 €, that would be my dream. . I ordered two sets at 0.01 o´clock last night. Of course my first day one purchase ever. I just can ´t wait. TLG wrotes an a few points of their page, that they had to send a lot of their people home, because of the pandemic, therefore it isn´t wondering me that it will take more time as usually.
  5. Here ist a discription from zusammengebaut.de . I did not translate it from German in english because nothing shall bei loosed by my bad english. Das LEGO Creator 31109 Piratenschiff ist ein klasse Schiff: Für 99,99 Euro UVP bekommt der Baumeister ab Sommer so einiges geboten. Auch die Alternativ-Bauten, eine Insel und ein weiteres Gebäude (hier verblasst meine Erinnerung) haben mir vor Ort gut gefallen. Sehr löblich ist zudem, dass keine vorgefertigten großen Teile zum Einsatz kommen, der braune Schiffsrumpf wird schön mit Steinen realisiert! Die Segel werden zudem aus weißen Platten gebaut, und darauf wird mit schwarzen kleinen Fliesen (LEGO Dots lässt grüßen) ein Totenkopf gebaut. Großartig!
  6. Just bought it on eBay from a person from the UK. I am very happy https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F264535276868 Thank you TalonCard to make me know that this book exist.
  7. Nice work ?. I planed myself to do one for the bottleship Set.
  8. I would have loves if the ship Haß got a bluecoat or redcoat flag. So I have to do IT myself.
  9. Entries #9 and #16
  10. Well done, I like it very much. I wish TLG had made the ship like you do. I hate the original ship.
  11. The problem is, I will not open the box. I must find a used one. When I got one I will tell you how it is.
  12. As a collector of pirates I am always searching for sets or merchandise I am not owning. It becomes more and more difficult. But yesterday I have gotten a new part for my collection: 852748 http://852748-1 by Matthias Rickers, on Flickr
  13. Thanks for your review. In my opinion the set is the less strongest set of the islander. It is more or less useless, if you don´t have one of the three bigger sets to place it. I am very interested in the 6264 set. I got mine in Legoland 1994 and it was my last pirate set for 18 years. I loved it.
  14. Your improvments are very good. And I love the background of your pics
  15. Entry B - 2 Points Entry A - 1 Point
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