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Eurobricks Dukes
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About jimmynick

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    CNY Temple Fair

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  1. The scale of this thing is absolutely mental. It's going so well. Can't wait til the end!
  2. Interesting. With Darth Jar Jar and characters with names like 'Sig Greebling' it seems it's Star Wars AFOL fanservice, while simultaneously a kids' show.
  3. Please humour me because I'm a bit out of the loop. What's the deal with the Dark Falcon and Jedi Bob's Starfighter? Has TLG entered its shitposting era?
  4. It looks good. The canopy looks slightly more shop-front awning than one of the traditional wrought-iron station roofs but it goes nicely with your trains. Nice build!
  5. Very cute :) the shape and colour of the mining guild ship are perfect for aquanauts
  6. I rather enjoyed the new movie and there were some setpieces that could have turned into sets; shame TLG haven't put out a full wave. I mean, isn't that how it works for most major media tie-ins?
  7. This is a really attractive build. You've integrated the modern architecture well and you've really captured the likeness of the original building. Well done.
  8. Wild! The stairs and ramps are really something, both at ground level and on the top. Nice work and thanks for sharing a slightly more unconventional building.
  9. Respectfully, these are massive red flags. I wouldn't get involved with someone advertising a private chat group on eBay, and if you can't find the post it's possible it was deleted by someone who shares my suspicions. If you join such a group and you don't see them scamming someone, they're probably scamming you. I get WhatsApp messages from time to time inviting me to join crypto groups with "investing tips" and the like — delete them immediately, every time.
  10. Eeth Koth and Queen Amidala are probably the most valuable ones. To an extent, though, I am more jealous of your Phase I clones. I've never found myself in a position to buy a set containing them.
  11. Cute little build, I like it! The gondola looks great.
  12. This is really cute! I love the different shapes and sizes of mushroom.
  13. It's a cute build and the train is lovely, but apart from the loco nothing about it particularly screams 'England'
  14. Those are some really cute main street buildings! They've got exactly the right vibe. I love the station as well. Happy building!
  15. Damn I must have seen some his content when I lurked there as long as 18 years ago . Welcome back to EB and thanks for sharing your model! The way you made the central radiator (?) section out of those ladders is really neat. I think calling this the "least interesting" vehicle is slightly unfair but, whatever the case, this is a wonderful rendition.
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