Matteo Green - Jedi Youngling
Health: 5
Force Abilities
Mastery Abilities
Matteo Green never met his mother, his father said she died during child birth. Matteo never believed that, he always knew the truth, that she left him. His father was a senator to the planet Uyter. Matteo was always under the pressure of his father to act as if he was perfect. Sit still, only speak when spoken to, only show his perfection. Matteo always resented his father for making him act as if he had no personality.
His father's ship crashed in an assassination attempt. Matteo was on board, as he had accompanied his father to the senate. His father wanted him to go into politics, to follow in his footsteps. The ship crashed on the Wookie-inhabited planet of Kashyk. Matteo survived the crash, his wounds healed in time. He befriended the Wookies, they saw good and innocence in him as he was only 7. He was rescued by a Jedi knight who sensed the force in him. Although they sensed that young Matteo was broken and filled with much pain, the force was overpowering the negatives. He was brought to the temple and trianed as a powerful Jedi.
The Jedi knight that discovered him never took an apprentice, but when he was killed in the clone wars, Matteo was given his deep blue lightsabre. He has becomes skilled with the use of two lightsabres, using one in a backhand style and the other in a classical style. He has devoted himself to the practice of the Jedi arts, and believes that concentration and focus are the key to overcoming an opponent.
Duel History
Won: -
Lost: -