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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I understand why they ATOT is so high in price, its because its basically 2 180 dollar sets in one, but since its packaged together, its pricier and the fact that its an exclusive
  2. The AT-OT is now the equivelant of the MTT. They both seat 16 troops. Theere Needs to be more CIS stuff to compete with the turbo tank and the AT-TE
  3. Nevermind i found what i was looking for
  4. im finishing my collection soon and i'll finish it of the the AT-OT
  5. I think the figs are blurred out of the 7778 set. Now those happy fans of obi wan can get a cheap set with him
  6. wait... why will i have to redo mine?
  7. but you didnt see the images or sets
  8. if you havent seen this, Megablocks and Microsoft have teamed up to make halo wars megablocks, but if microsoft were smart enough, they could have picked lego. http://www.action-figure.com/index.php?nam...e&sid=24445 here are the sets (btw these are not official names) Warthog vs Plasma Turret (Spartan/1 SMG, Elite/1 Energy Sword) UNSC Turret (3 Spartans/1 Shotgun/ 1 SMG) Pelican vs Banshee (1 Spartan/ 1 Assault Rifle, Flamer/ 1 flamethrower, Grunt, Elite/ 1 energy sword) Scorpion Tank (Red Spartan/ 1 SMG, Elite/1 Energy Sword) UNSC Hornet (Spartan/ 1 shotgun, Grunt) Covenent Ghost (Grunt, Elite/1 Energy Sword) i know that they would have been better if they were lego but they look ok.
  9. heres my tecnic version of Rock from Soul Calibur IV.
  10. notice how they used grand tarkins head for palps head, i think they'll change it as it is still clone wars And i think its gunray
  11. can i just point out that at this toy fair, lots of people will be taking pictures and i dont think that people should say that there sick of seeing the same stuff considering that they were nice enough to bring the pics to the forums
  12. i see the endor bunker is almost a full base but it seems to have a giant hole in it. I like the tank droid, looks like a $40(AUD) set to me, so its basically the 2nd big battlepack (first being echo base 7749[Well not officially but thats what i call it]) might buy the shuttle but only if its cheap. All the sets look great but unfortunatley i'm not binging all my money on legos
  13. I saw a load of Clone walker BP's at Big W In Australia for 18 bucks
  14. Nope the new pics tell otherwise
  15. Well i would like to say thst i am just finishing my collection of clone wars sets and then i will stop collecting but with that sets coming out, it makes me want to keep collecting
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