As an intern at a Law agency, I would like to voice legal my opinion on this matter. Paypal's No refund policy after 45 days is strictly enforced and sadly set in stone. We've dealt with countless cases involving Paypal and other online payment services such as credit cards for people seeking their money back. These companies are very difficult to work with and their customer service will unfortunately get you no where. When you purchase anything online and send money to an entity through a monetary medium, (in this case to "ElderScroll" through paypal) you sign an online user agreement that is upheld by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Pub. L. No. 111-5. This Act protects your money even though paypal's 45 days are up. However, the fact that Paypal and the majority of credit card companies are based in America makes it difficult to get your money back under this Act if you live outside the US as you would have to create a lawsuit against the monetary entity in United States civil court. This would cost you a lawyer, which is probably more expensive than the money you guys were supposedly "scammed" out of by ElderScroll. What I'm getting at is that essentially, it would not be plausible or easy to get your money back
Without any personal information such as an address, full name, birth date or phone number of ElderScroll, the police would have no authority and unfortunately would be of no help. The best thing to do in this situation would to be to continue to bombard him with messages and emails until you get a response.
Also, the fact that he logged in a few days ago raises a major red flag. This is because when you log in your most recent PM pops up on the screen, if I'm correct. So he most likely has seen your guys messages of concern but has ignored them. Business with
ElderScroll should probably be avoided from now on....