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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Thanks everybody! :D Glad you noticed they weren't tiles. :) As some have noticed on flickr and CC, they're actually 1x2 panels slid in upside down over a tile on a plate. :)
  2. Thanks everybody! Really appreciate the comments. :) Thanks! You really have to force the pins into a straight line, it might take a few tries. After a while it's not to hard though. :) Its completely attached, and relatively stable. :) Thanks a ton LD! Really appreciate the suggestions, totally agree about the dk red/bley, just need to build up my dk red collection. ;) Yeah, the roofline is like the hardest part, I'll keep trying to improve it! :)
  3. Thanks a ton everybody! Really appreciate the nice comments! :)
  4. Seated among piles of leather-bound books and ink-stained parchments, the wise and knowledgeable old scholar carefully studies the works of the past, learning from them and copying them to preserve the knowledge of days gone by for the learners of the future. This is my very quickly built entry to the Byzantium Contest over on Classic Castle. When Constantinople fell in 1453, scholars who had preserved and studied the ancient Greek and Roman classics for years were forced to flee to other parts of Europe, such as Italy and France. This reintroduction of the ancient works is what rekindled European appreciation for classical thought and art and started the Renaissance. This was a fun build, took me less than a day, which is pretty fast for me! Thanks for looking! :) Soli Deo Gloria!
  5. And another castle MOC! Here's my latest work The Blacksmith: Near the center of the village sits the home of the village blacksmith. Working out of a small shop connected to his house, the blacksmith provides trustworthy work to the local farmers, soldiers, and craftsmen who need a horse shoed, a plough sharpened, or a tool repaired. The sound of his hammer striking metal can be heard throughout the countryside, and the cozy outdoor shop often serves as the site of friendly socialization and sharing of news for the village residents. Another build incorporating the technic-pin roof technique I've been playing with. I love the way it looks and the versatility of it's shape, but it can really be a pain to work with. Also, building houses is kinda hard...getting the roof shape and building proportions right can be complicated. Something I need to practice more. Thanks for looking! Soli Deo Gloria!
  6. Wow, gorgeous work! Love the layout of the village, and I'm impressed with how dense the forest is! Very realistic!
  7. This is such a gorgeous MOC. Just the right balance of classic colors and style, combined with fresh colors, techniques and parts. One of those castle MOCs that I could just keep staring at, pouring over all the lovely details. Keep up the fabulous work!
  8. Wow guys, thanks so much for the positive response to these MOCs! These comments totally made my day. :') Sometimes I get so used to the short "Nice work!" comments I get on flickr, I forget what it's like to get these kinds of constructive, detailed comments. Yay EB! :D Thanks man! Appreciate all the details you pointed out, those are the things I love putting in my MOCs. Hopefully you've never seen the technic pin technique before because (as far as I know) I invented it. ;) Yes! That's exactly how it's done. I'm really impressed that you noticed those. ;) I've used them in a few MOCs, but the effect is so subtle that they're not very noticeable. I was really excited when I discovered that technique, because the panels are the exact size of a brick, as apposed to a SNOTed tile. Still think it's kind of a cool piece usage though, it's a good way to add a little texture to an otherwise flat and colorless wall. :) Thanks Graham! That's very high praise, appreciate it! :) Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked Unexpected Discovey. It's kinda one of my underdog MOCs, not as many new or unusual techniques used there, but I did try to craft an emotional scene, so glad you liked it! :) It means so much to me that you enjoy looking at my MOCs. Hopefully I'll keep making more that are worth looking at. ;) I have thought about joining GoH, but I really kinda prefer doing my own thing...I'm a member of LoR over at Merlin's Beard, but I've always had a hard time getting into somebody else's story...for now I'm planning on working on my own ideas and crafting my own little world, and maybe someday I'll get involved in of those roleplaying games. :) Thanks a lot mate! That really means a lot. Sometimes I feel like I should try some bigger builds, but I really can't bring myself to sacrifice the details for the size. :) Thanks! Yeah, feel free to borrow (and modify) the sheep technique. The LEGO community can always use more brickbuilt barnyard animals. :) Thank you! Those details are the most fun part of a MOC for me. :) Thanks! I have to say that's gotta be my favorite as well. Maybe my favorite MOC I've ever made. Again, thank you all SO much for the constructive comments! I've been looking back at a bunch of old castle builds recently (DARKspawn, DNL, MrTS, Jens, Slyowl), and it's so cool to see that my MOCs can have (at least a little bit of!) the effect on people that those castle masters have on me. :)
  9. Hey Eurobrickers! It's been a while since I posted any of my creations here (besides my SPC entry), so I thought I post a bunch of 'em here for all of you who don't follow me on flickr to enjoy! First up, one I built last fall Aquam de Petra: Next, my CCC entries: Toil in the Soil and A Delicious Distraction This creation shows an unhappy nobleman, who'd really like to get some sleep: Noisy Neighbors A young boy stumbles upon some mysterious ruins in this scene: Unexpected Discovery And my most recently posted castle MOC: The Carpenter Check out my flickr stream for additional pictures and descriptions of all these builds and more: https://www.flickr.com/photos/91596610@N03/ I have another castle MOC waiting to be photographed that I will hopefully get posted here within the next couple days. Hope you enjoyed this look back on my last few creations! I plan on posting here more regularly in the future, so stay tuned. ;) Soli Deo Gloria! -Digger
  10. Thank you! Tho torso on the guy with the epaulets is this one from the CMF Series 9 Alien Avenger, with different arms: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=973pb1333c01 The one on the manta guy is this ork torso turned backwards: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=973pb1542c01
  11. Wow, thanks everybody! Great work to all the contestants. Congrats to the other winners! :D
  12. Shipwreck Encampment: Deep among the dunes of a vast alien desert, a long forgotten shipwreck basks in the searing extraterrestrial sunlight. Seeking refuge from pursuing authorities, a band of scoundrelish space pirates has made their camp here. A line of speeder exhaust stretches through across the desert to the hideout, denoting the arrival of a shipment of the pirates treasure... Haven't posted here in a while! Here's my entry to the Space Pirates Contest. I usually build castle, so doing a space moc was a fun challenge, but something I've been wanting to do for a while. Thanks for checking it out! ;) Soli Deo Gloria!
  13. Thanks everybody! @Lord Tyrus - The baby is a fleshie minifig arm wrapped in white LEGO rubber bands. Yeah, the scale was important, thanks! :D
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