I can't have fun with LDD anymore. For years I've used this program. I've produced over 1,000 .lxf files over the past eight years. I've watched my building style evolve with updates, with the rise and fall of LEGO Universe, and with my use of supplementary programs like LDD2PoV, but the fun kinda stopped. I guess part of the issue LDD's 30 degree Field of View angle, which is abominable, and should never occur in any graphical simulation software. I've had to add special code into preferences.ini and resize the LDD window to something tall and thin just to negate some of the Field of View effects and make LDD usable. There's another issue though, a bigger one.
My building style is a bit of a mess. It's simply selecting a brick and building around it, using quick wit and chance to produce something good. The result is sometimes like this (Bambous), though I have to try several times to get such a result. Resulting models also tend to pose poorly. I also have incredible difficulty recreating items out of LEGO. I managed to recreate something effectively once (Battletech Loki), but again that was luck. The recreation was also only possible due to its ease, and I have been unable to produce the same results again with anything else I'm a fan of. I seem to lack both artistic vision, and the ability to properly translate details into LEGO.
I've tried to remedy that. I did some hard studying of other builders I enjoy such as Torokimasa. I took several creations, recreated them partially or perfectly in LDD, then practiced variations. Near the end of this exercise I produced this (MRs-A1), which recreated and was based on this (Torokimasa's MRs-05). When I then tried to return to my own building style, nothing had changed, and I had no interest in continuing the tedious recreations or collaboration builds.
Perhaps I just need to distance myself from LEGO building and will find it fun again later, but that doesn't solve the issue of my building style. I've hit a wall, I don't know how to improve other than through brute force practice and even that is losing its effect as my building style cements itself. How do I improve myself as a builder?