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Eurobricks Vassals
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About csiquet

  • Birthday 07/25/1975

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    Porto - Portugal
  • Interests
    Technic - Mindstorms - City - Star Wars


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  1. Dear all, The Portuguese LEGO User Group - PLUG will host another BRInCKa event in the city of Braga in Portugal from the 7th until the 9th of October 2016. This will be the second BRinCKA event in Braga after receiving about 26000 visitors during its first edition in 2014. If you are curious to know how it went, here are some fotos of the event: https://bragabrincka2014.wordpress.com/ BRInCKa Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brincka Braga BRInCKa 2016 Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/431842027006985/ Cheers
  2. Dear all, The Portuguese LEGO User Group - PLUG will host another of its BRInCKa events in the city of Porto from the 23rd until the 25th of October 2015. Last year's event in the city of Braga received about 26000 visitors during 3 days. This time, we have 2000 m2 to fill with LEGO bricks, LEGO MOCs, LEGO sets,... Facebook: https://www.facebook...43081862615226/ Web page: http://www.plug.pt/e...norbrincka2015/ LAN page: https://lan.lego.com...vents/event/277 Come and visit! Cheers
  3. Ever since I saw Benny's Spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP and the Exo-Suit, I have but one wish...
  4. Dear all, The Portuguese LEGO User Group - PLUG will host the 3rd edition of its BRInCKa event in the city of Braga from the 17th until the 19th of October. The first two editions of this event in 2013 and 2014 in Oeiras (Lisbon) received about 15000 visitors each. This time, we have 5000 m2 to fill with LEGO bricks, LEGO MOCs, LEGO sets,... The event location today. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brincka Web page: http://plug.pt/event...agabrincka2014/ Cheers
  5. Dear AFOLs, It is my great pleasure to announce the launch of the BrickMap website. Made by AFOLs for AFOLs, BrickMap is a compendium of LEGO® related Businesses and Services websites to hopefully help you with any brick need you might have. With time we hope this site will become THE site of reference when looking for LEGO related resources. Please share and contribute. Enjoy. What is BrickMap? In early 2014, Yun Mi Antorini, the Community Strategist of Community Engagement & Events at LEGO® Systems A/S, started a volunteer project to map and better “understand the LEGO® ecosystem.” A group consisting of Rebecca Deak, Christophe Siquet, Boštjan Svetličič and Nathan Bryan were tasked to create an outline for this project. Once the framework was built 24 other LEGO® Ambassadors were asked for their input. From the wonderful input received, an original map of over 2,000 Businesses and Services spanning 62 Categories was created. Once duplicates were sorted out, 797 unique sites (1,169 when counting some sites spanning multiple Categories) remained. Probably, one of the most comprehensive maps of LEGO® resources ever created. From that map, this independent site was built to allow AFOLs (Adult Fans Of LEGO®) to suggest more sites to create an even more comprehensive map. We hope this will benefit everyone interested in finding LEGO® related information around the world. Collaborating together with you, the fans of LEGO®, we hope to create a great resource map “By AFOLs for AFOLs.”
  6. As the LEGO Ambassador for the PLUG in Portugal, I am communicating our LUG's event in Lisbon starting tomorrow (30/04) until the 4th of May. This re-edition of last year 3 days event which received more than 15000 visitors will include themes like: City, Technic, Mindstorms, Star Wars, Friends but also GBC, Castle, Military, a 100000 pieces mosaic built by the public, playgrounds, challenges, games, shopping areas... and much more. What can be better than this? Oh yes, It's going to be sunny with temperatures up to 26ºC. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OeirasBRInCKa Web page: http://www.oeirasbri...em.com.pt/2014/ The event location yesterday. As the event will end on May the 4th (be with you), we will have a Star Wars weekend and there will be the chance to meet Luiz Gomez - Star Wars LEGO Designer.
  7. I don't know if this was published already but here it is. From the Facebook of LEGO. More pictures can be found on www.facebook.com/LEGO
  8. What kind of AFOL are you? Are you a member of a LUG? YES - Portuguese LUG Are you actively participating in your LUG? If yes, what do you do (e.g. helping out during events, making displays, etc.)? I'm currently the LEGO Ambassador for the PLUG and I have been trying to be active in this way. Making MOCs is not my best but I try to participate during the expositions by providing sets to display and by helping the public build a giant mosaic (at our latest expo). Would you consider supporting more actively the online AFOL community (e.g. Eurobricks) as moderator, regulator (indexing, ...), making set reviews, etc.? If the answer is yes, where do you possibly see yourself contributing? Our LUG has an open forum (and a closed section as well) in Portuguese where I believe I participate quite a lot. I post once in a while on Eurobricks but the lack of time does not allow me to do much more. If I were to participate more, it would be with sets reviews for example.
  9. The Portuguese LEGO User Group ( PLUG) will be holding its Brincka 2013 exposition from April 26th until April 28th in the city of Oeiras - Portugal Access map
  10. Thanks for the review. It will surely help anyone decide if it is a buy or no to buy book. Technic for teh win
  11. Obviously this promotion is not for Portugal. If anyone would be interested in selling the Vol.4 of this collection, I would appreciate.
  12. I would really like to know if that promotion of the Vintage Minifigure Collection from ToysRus will come to Portugal. I'm just missing the Vol.4 to finish the collection. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to bribe a US citizen
  13. 160.91 Mb of transfer
  14. Indeed, it is a nice one. I would like to emphasize that it is NOT my work. It is a project of Conchas, a member of the Portuguese LUG (PLUG). He introduced personally his monorail on the PLUG's forum but in Portuguese of course. I'm sure he would love to do the same here in time. I know he promised videos...
  15. Who has never wanted to see a monorail back on the shelves? Well, I would love to see one back! Especially because I do not have any and my city is in serious need of a good commuting transport. I would like to introduce to the Eurobricks' community the remarkable LEGO CUUSOO project of Conchas: the "Classic Monorail Revamp" It is now our chance to own one of the most coveted LEGO set by voting on this project. More pictures here. http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/25324 PS: I am NOT the author of this project as I said 2 posts down
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