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  1. Great work. Those large builds are tough to stick with sometimes.
  2. I think the Beholder really needs the organic eye stalks like in the original pic. I don't think the hinge plates work very well.
  3. Selling 185 lbs of Lego on eBay. Have a look: http://www.ebay.com/itm/122275921313?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  4. http://www.amazon.com/Unofficial-LEGO-Technic-Builders-Guide/dp/1593274343 This book is amazing
  5. It is a build of half of the original building. The half that I have built is complete and I probably won't work on the second half for a long time...if ever
  6. Thanks! Goldens are great, he's our third . Cant say I've ever seen a Pyrenean Mountain Dog. Only familiar with the Swiss MD.
  7. Front of build for those interested: Tabularium, Roman Forum by turd ferguson, on Flickr
  8. Had to drag this large build out to move for a basement remodel. Felt inspired to take one quick pic On the way to the forum by turd ferguson, on Flickr
  9. Wow, brilliant. You are a true artist.
  10. I really like the stables. The trees could use a larger canopy based on their trunk size though.
  11. Here is terracotta roof tiles using round technic connectors and tiles: post-38346-0-15959100-1374567176 by turd ferguson, on Flickr Terracotta Roof Shingles by turd ferguson, on Flickr
  12. The technic connectors just rest between the tiles. The roof panels will be set in such a way that the bottom tube will rest against the cornice. Each one higher up the roof will then be held in place by the one below it. Hope that makes sense.
  13. The roof is off to a good start, but as Tommy Boy would say "Holy Schnikes that's gonna take a lot of pieces!" Terracotta Roof Shingles by turd ferguson, on Flickr
  14. Reinforcements are waiting in the wings! Untitled by turd ferguson, on Flickr
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