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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. I know it would be a lot of pinned threads, but is there anyway to have all the Cat C threads and Warzone threads pinned to the top? It's confusing to wade through all of the posts right now
  2. I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are doing in the build. Are you stealing cows from the DK?
  3. The pipe, the dripping, and the clang! were so well done! Great little build!
  4. I really like the bank and I like that you took the step and made your own custom Weequay guards! Not the figs I would use, but I think you made a good choice none-the-less.
  5. Apart from the suggestions already given I really like your door. I've used that technique before and I think it looks good. I find the pistol to be out of place for SW, but your story is good.
  6. Your story is good and I like how you've had your character progress. Your build is also well done and you have some great elements. My only complaint is that there is nothing here to make it look like it fits in the SW universe.
  7. I merged your question here. You might get more responses having it the proper forum.
  8. This is absolutely fantastic! As a big fan of the original EU (the books) it is amazing to see something like this come to life!
  9. I was going to try to deep link some of the pictures for you, but they are too large a pixel size. It would be helpful if you uploaded them as smaller pictures or used a host site like Flickr which will help you resize them automatically. Great build though!
  10. The points for Guerrilla and Counter are different in the description than in your chart of points. The 4 and the 5 are flipped. Also, am I correct in thinking the Guerrilla builds are due by the end of the day on Saturday each week?
  11. Ska, are there going to be any more story mocs to help us understand more about what's going on? I feel like the desert king's story is under developed. I have some of my own ideas to make my characters fit with the overall plot, but I want to make sure I'm not contradicting anything. Will we hear more about him any time soon?
  12. This is great! Wonderful ice effects and great figs!
  13. When posting mocs for the mini challenges, do we create a topic for it? Or just post a picture in the challenge thread? It seems that if every mini challenge moc gets a new topic it will flood the forum w smaller builds and push down anything not contest related.
  14. Sorry for the double post, but this build is worth it:
  15. See the previous tales: Wyndor's Saga: Chapter 1 -What Has Past- Chapter 2 Part 10: A New Home Part 10.1:Blunted Edges Part 10.2: Cramped Spaces Part 10.3: Enthusiastic Worker Part 11.0 Part 11: Mysterious Death Part 12: Dark Meetings Part 13: Warm Yourself Part 14.1: Sisterly Visit Part 14.2: Proud Farmer Part 14.3: Mitgardian Household Part 15: Another Mysterious Death Part 16.1: The Council Meeting Part 16.2: Meeting with Wyndor (made by Glorfindel) Part 16.3: Feud in Teridyan Part 16.4: Great Elk Longhouse (made by Glorfindel) Part 16.5: Traveling Partners Part 16.6: Mitgardian Throne Room (made by Glorfindel) Part 17: The Cemetery Part 18: Home Part 19: Crowded Market Mayhem Part 20: Shooting Straight Part 21: Returning Part 22: Keeping Out or Keeping In Part 23: Talk in the Tavern Part 24: Mitgardian Long Sheep Part 25: Captive in the Barn Part 26a: At Ease Part 26: Long Awaited Reunion Also Previously Wyndor had done so much traveling that day he couldn’t remember a time when he was more saddle sore. Before leaving Mattimeo’s headquarters he had sent the two guards back to Dalig Ulv to warn Pjeter and the rest of the council about what was going on. Then he and Mattimeo had ridden north to the main village of the Wolf Clan. Mattimeo warned him before they left that he had not left Bëo’s care on the best of terms. They rode into the village surprised to not meet anyone until they got to the main hall. There they left the horses at the stables and Mattimeo greeted one of the clansmen. “Barnabas! It’s been too long!” “Welcome back Mattimeo, how goes everything with your Blue Wolves?” answered Barnabas. “It’s a bear to keep them disciplined,” replied Mattimeo, “But I couldn’t ask for a better group. I still wish you had joined me.” “Well, you know,” started Barnabas, “the village has need of good warriors too. Bëo has kept me busy. But now is not the time for pleasantries. Come, let me show you what’s happening.” The group walked over to the river where a solitary figure could be seen on the other side. “He’s been there for hours, chanting in some language we can’t understand” began Baranbas. “It started 24 hours ago when a small band of them showed up at the water’s edge and started shouting at our guards. They didn’t seem too friendly so our men fired a warning shot over their heads. That’s when the rest of the band left, leaving this one behind. When he started chanting we fired at him, not knowing what kind of sorcery he was conjuring up.” “I’m telling you!” said one of the archers. “It was witchcraft! Our bolts froze in mid-air and dropped into the water in front of him!” “This is worse than I feared,” said Mattimeo. “I must talk to Bëo at once.” The party headed up the path to the main lodge. Inside was Bëo, his wife, his two sons, his chief advisor, and some more men of the clan. Barnabas announced the pair of brothers, “My lord, Mattimeo has come as requested with his brother.” “So,” began Bëo, “the boy I rescued from the Frozen Beyond who couldn’t wait for his first chance to run away with Kaliphlin traders. And then he has the gall to come back and take some of my best men with him!” “Sir,” responded Mattimeo, “you know why I left. And I’ve tried not to let you down.” Bëo’s countenance softened, “yes, we both know the good your group of men have done for Mitgardia. But I needed you here!” “I’m here now,” replied Mattimeo. “Yes, and let’s hope it’s not too late,” this came from Bëo’s advisor. “Tell us, Mattimeo, in all your learning, what can you tell us about the stranger across the river from us?” “You have no hope, that’s what I can tell you” was Mattimeo’s answer. “I know very little about those from the Frozen Beyond, but what I do know is that we have no chance of winning against them if they decide to attack us. We must flee south as quickly as possible!” “You whelp!” shouted the advisor. “What do you know of our fighting strength!? We can handle ourselves against any natural foe!” “But that’s just the point,” answered Mattimeo. “This foe is not natural.” Bëo stepped down from his throne and approached Mattimeo, "We will not run like cowardly dogs! We will face our foes as clansmen! Will you help us with your knowledge or not?" Mattimeo didn't have a chance to answer because one of the clansmen burst in at that point, “Sir! The Frozen Beyonder is… doing something!” He ran back out and the men followed him. They came to the river’s edge and saw ice forming in the water. It was Summer and most of the ice had long since melted and floated down to the ocean. It was unnatural to see the process being reversed. Quickly the river was frozen enough to allow the Frozen Beyonders to cross and their force charged across at the clansmen. Just as Mattimeo had warned, the battle was a slaughter. Man after man fell. Bëo himself almost took a mortal blow, but Wyndor blocked it at the last moment. Mattimeo pulled at Bëo’s arm and got him half way up the path towards the hall before Bëo finally stopped struggling and went with Mattimeo and Wyndor willingly. Bëo told the two guards, “My wife and children should be safe by now, hold the door for a few more minutes, then run from here as fast as you can!” Wyndor wondered how Bëo’s family could have escaped when he didn’t see them leave the hall, but as soon as they entered again he saw how. The throne had been pushed over revealing a hidden passage. No questions were asked. The three men knew they were probably leaving the rest of the men outside to their deaths. But they also knew there was nothing else they could do. Mattimeo had tried to warn Bëo, but he waited too long. Now they fled through a tunnel like rats. Their only hope was to make it away alive so that they could warn others of the terror that was coming.
  16. Very cool! It reminds me of the fight scene from the newest Hobbit where they take on Azog.
  17. Wow. You are truly a master at Kaliphlin building!
  18. Thanks! I got the "lean" technique from a Book 2 Challenge 1 build in Nocturnus. I don't remember who used it though... I got them in the Valentine's Day Dinner set, but they also come in one of the smartphone app sets. The Valentine's set had 7 of the sand green bricks so I bought 2 Well, you won't have to wait long for the next part! Thanks Cap! Thank you kabel! Glad you like them Mike! I'm glad you like the rocks, I wasn't sure how'd they turn out.
  19. OoC: Another warning for this post. Before you start, you need to know that there is a ton of writing! I've been building up to this part of my story since I first started on the journey. You can read one of my first GoH builds here, which will help you understand the story in this one. If you don't read the story and just look at the pictures, I totally understand! But, if you want to know what's happening in the Wyndor timeline, you will want to sit down and read it eventually. See the previous tales: Wyndor's Saga: Chapter 1 -What Has Past- Chapter 2 Part 10: A New Home Part 10.1:Blunted Edges Part 10.2: Cramped Spaces Part 10.3: Enthusiastic Worker Part 11.0 Part 11: Mysterious Death Part 12: Dark Meetings Part 13: Warm Yourself Part 14.1: Sisterly Visit Part 14.2: Proud Farmer Part 14.3: Mitgardian Household Part 15: Another Mysterious Death Part 16.1: The Council Meeting Part 16.2: Meeting with Wyndor (made by Glorfindel) Part 16.3: Feud in Teridyan Part 16.4: Great Elk Longhouse (made by Glorfindel) Part 16.5: Traveling Partners Part 16.6: Mitgardian Throne Room (made by Glorfindel) Part 17: The Cemetery Part 18: Home Part 19: Crowded Market Mayhem Part 20: Shooting Straight Part 21: Returning Part 22: Keeping Out or Keeping In Part 23: Talk in the Tavern Part 24: Mitgardian Long Sheep Part 25: Captive in the Barn Part 26a: At Ease Wyndor, the two men from the town, and the Blue Wolf had been riding in silence for about half an hour now. The Blue Wolf renegade had urged them to push the horses faster than Wyndor thought was wise, but there had been such a sense of urgency in his voice that Wyndor didn’t argue with him. As they had started their journey Wyndor asked the renegade where they were going and was meet only with, “You’ll know when we get there.” Wyndor figured the silence had gone on long enough when he spoke up and asked, “So what’s your name?” The Blue Wolf glanced over at him and hesitated for a moment before answering, “Miles.” “Tell me Miles,” Wyndor said, “Why have you been killing the dwarves of Dalig Ulv?” Miles laughed out loud at that. “We haven’t been killing them! You’ll get your answers soon enough, we’re here.” Out of the fog they had been riding in a tower loomed up ahead. Wyndor figured they must be near the Orcish Marshes. This tower must have been a guard tower against the somewhat savage inhabitants of the marshes. It wasn’t on any of Wyndor’s maps though, so he knew it must be old indeed. They left the horses at the bottom of the hill and climbed the path to the door. There were plenty of armed men around the tower and the two town guards from Dalig Ulv seemed a little nervous to be so outnumbered. They approached the door and Miles said, “Your men will need to stay here. They can keep their weapons.” Wyndor knew he didn’t need to add, “not that it will do them any good.” Wyndor nodded at the men and followed Miles inside. They walked to another door and Miles motioned to it and said, “Our leader is inside. He has your answers.” Wyndor stepped into the room and found himself looking at the back of someone’s head. It struck him as oddly familiar. “Please, close the door Wyndor” stated the stranger. Wyndor obeyed and asked, “I do not mean to be rude, but what is this all about?” The stranger ignored the question and asked instead, “Do you know what happens to Ice Dragons when they die of old age?” Wyndor was puzzled so he just listened. “They say no one can say for sure” continued the stranger, “because all the dead Ice Dragons Mitgardians have seen have been slain ones. One theory is that they all fly further than the Frozen Beyond and become monuments of living ice, moving slower than the icebergs across the snow dunes. Others say they melt into the ocean and some claim they don’t die at all but become men who wander the northern reaches of the Frozen Beyond warning stray travelers to go no further.” The man paused for a moment as if remembering and then continued, “What actually happens is that they fly north and then die like any other animal. How do I know this? Because I’ve been there. To the Ice Dragon’s dying grounds.” At this point the man pulled off his glove and flexed his fingers. Wyndor noticed their odd color and started to ask about it when the stranger continued his monologue. “I traveled with an Ice Dragon there. Not by choice. I was holding on for dear life. It was doing all it could to stay alive with my spear stuck in its belly. We crashed in a field full of dying dragons before the one I was with gave up the ghost. I grabbed my spear from his carcass and ran as fast as I could. I was 13 at the time.” Wyndor was suddenly realizing why this man seemed so familiar. He sputtered, “No… it can’t be… you can’t be…!” The stranger turned around, “Yes, Wyndor, I am your brother, Tagaler.” Wyndor rushed to his brother and embraced him. “How can this be?” Tagaler awkwardly returned his brother’s hug before letting him go and continuing with his tale. “When the elemental monster attacked us I was thrown in the same direction as the dragon. I grabbed the dragon’s toe with my hand and was frozen fast to it. I was tossed like a rag doll as the dragon hurtled through the sky and then as he regained the use of his wings and then glided even further north. We passed over a large portion of the Frozen Beyond, where no one has gone before, before we crashed. It wasn’t until he died that my hand was released. My spear must have been caught by the wind of the elemental monster and thrown in just the right way to pierce his hide. I ran from that place with a frost burned hand, and no clue as to where I could go. I walked for what seemed like days before I finally collapsed in the snow, assuming my end was near. My arm had turned black and I knew the frost had already taken it from me and would soon take the rest of me." "I closed my eyes. I don’t know how long I was out. The next thing I knew, I was being dragged up out of the snow by someone layered in furs. I don’t know who he was or where he came from, but he had ice blue hands that grabbed my dead hand and rubbed it. Whatever manner of man he was, he was not normal. There was something other-worldly about him. After he was done rubbing, my arm was no longer black, but the same shade of blue you see now.” Tagaler rolled up the sleeve of his tunic revealing an icy looking arm. Wyndor gasped, “I have never seen anything like that before! Does it hurt?” Tagaler shrugged. “The only thing I feel in this arm is intense heat. My arm is immune to cold it would seem, as I haven’t been able to feel its effects on this arm since that fateful day.” “What happened next?” Wyndor asked. “The man handed me a pack of food and pointed” Tagaler responded. “I walked in the direction he pointed until I came to the rift between the Frozen Beyond and Mitgardia where some clansmen were fishing in the icy waters. They took me in and gave me a home. It took a few months for me to finally recover. After that, I didn’t know if the rest of you had survived and I couldn’t bear the thought of returning to father to give him the news that the rest of his sons had died, so I stayed.” “Wow,” responded Wyndor, “that’s almost too much for me to take in. I can’t believe you’re alive Tagaler!” “It’s Mattimeo now” he answered. “I took a new name since my right of passage was completed. I haven’t been Tagaler for over 6 years.” “So, you’re the leader of all these men” said Wyndor, “but how is that since you’re less than a score old?” “With this arm” Mattimeo said as he held out his blue arm, “I have more strength than most men do with both their arms. I don’t understand what has happened to me, but I’ve used it to my advantage ever since. I’ve learned much since I’ve been on my own. You’re not the only one who’s traveled to the other guilds. I spent some time in Kaliphlin training with the Yakuzoka, a league of trained assassins. I also spent time in the capitol, reading histories of the guilds and learning much. These men follow me because I’ve proven to them that I can hold my own and because they believe in my vision.” “So you started the Blue Wolves? I guess I know why you chose that name now” Wyndor said as he pointed at Mattimeo’s arm. “Yes, between my arm and my upbringing in the Wolf Clan, it seemed a fitting name for my group of renegades” answered Mattimeo. “But why all the killing?” asked Wyndor. “Death has never been our goal” said Mattimeo. “And I’m afraid you’re mistaken on many accounts of our involvement with the happenings in your city.” Just then a man burst into the room. “Sir!” he shouted “We just received word from Bëo. They are being attacked from the north!” “But, they are the most northern…” Mattimeo paused for a moment. “No! That means, something from the Frozen Beyond is attacking them!” He turned to Wyndor. “I need you to come with me. I never thought what I encountered in the Frozen Beyond would ever be seen south of the rift. I may need your help.” “But what about what you’re doing to the dwarves of my city!” replied Wyndor. “Time enough for explanations later” said Mattimeo. “You will have to trust me that Dalig Ulv in not in danger from my men.” “So it is in danger then?” replied Wyndor. “Yes, and it is a danger that could threaten the entire western half of the guild” answered Mattimeo. “But Bëo would not be asking for my help unless it was dire. And if even half of my fears are true, then we are facing what could be the end of Historica!” “When do we leave?” was Wyndor’s answer. OoC: Have you ever tried to make 2 minifigures hug each other? It's very hard! Here's a couple more pictures...
  20. Fantastic little build! Good details and some great figs!
  21. I for one am done with working on the map for awhile. I know kabel said what we have should be enough for Mitgardia, but I think if anyone wanted to work on other versions (such as typical snowpack) for their own story and builds that'd be grand. I'm willing to share my gimp files with anyone who wants them. Man, if that were my dragon I'd post it in it's own topic It looks great!
  22. A question about our civil war. Will we get the results of our chapter before the Kaliphlinian one starts (more than it already has)? And now, the map you've all been waiting for: Let me know what you think about the removal of the towers. Since they haven't been a part of Book II at all, I thought it would be best to remove them.
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