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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Way to go Rebels! Let's keep showing those Imperial Scum what's what!
  2. That was my first thought too!
  3. Love the footprints! That's a great technique and a brilliant idea! I'm curious where the head is from. I don't recognize it right away. If it was yellow I would say it was maybe from Exoforce, but the flesh color is throwing me off! Please share!
  4. Thank you! I'm thinking through some different scenes right now. I want to build more for SoNE first, but hope to have some nice builds up within a month.
  5. It's actually from an Exo-Force minifig. Link is here: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?M=exf020
  6. I posted this in a separate topic (http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=87303). But it seems to be the thing to also post it here. So here's a picture of The Standard:
  7. I agree with everyone else, your water is amazing! Might have to steal that idea... Also, I really like your trees. I'm jealous of everyone with enough foliage pieces to make a tree like that. My collecting has never been in that direction so I only have a handful of tree pieces.
  8. It's good to be here! I needed a good castle outlet for my MOCing and this seems to be the right spot.
  9. Thanks! I don't have green and yellow flags proper so I improvised.
  10. Between the border of Mitgardia and Avalonia stands a Mitgardian standard to welcome weary travelers back to their homelands. (This is for the Landscapes of Mitgardia community build. Comments are very welcome!)
  11. Once there was a man named Graham who had four sons. Graham is the 2nd generation of his family to live in Mitgardia. His father made their home in the southern part of Mitgardia, but still showed great respected for the northern clans. When his sons turned 12 he sent each of them to the clans for their ritual to manhood. Their home is west of Vaholl near the Antler River in the southern mountain range of Mitgardia. Snow is always in the mountains but there are many months out of the year that the valley sees all the snow melt. I am the first son of Graham, Wyndor. I, Lord Wyndor and my companions swear loyalty to Mitgardia! Natolyth with the dark hair and Chalin with the light hair are my brothers. Lady Valanice is my wife. Wyndor - First son of Graham. Valanice - A lady of Avalonia. Natolyth - A brainwashed prisoner Chalin - Enslaved by traders from Kaliphlin to She grew up in the grasslands of the Drow for over a year, he was fight in their brawl-pits for over a year, he was near the Darkwood Forest. rescued by Wyndor. rescued by Wyndor and Natolyth. (This is my beginning of my time in Historica. I'll be building in the challenges as well as building up this story line.)
  12. I am excited to see what changes you can make there in Nocturnus. You have a friend in Mitgardia if ever you need help with that task.
  13. I love the angled plates. Did you use a hinge or a clip to get that effect?
  14. Once there was a man named Graham who had four sons. Graham is the 2nd generation of his family to live in Mitgardia. His father made their home in the southern part of Mitgardia, but still showed great respected for the northern clans. When his sons turned 12 he sent each of them to the clans for their ritual to manhood. Their home is west of Vaholl near the Antler River in the southern mountain range of Mitgardia. Snow is always in the mountains but there are many months out of the year that the valley sees all the snow melt. I am the first son of Graham, Wyndor. I, Lord Wyndor and my companions swear loyalty to Mitgardia! Natolyth with the dark hair and Chalin with the light hair are my brothers. Lady Valanice is my wife. Wyndor - First son of Graham. Valanice - A lady of Avalonia. Natolyth - A brainwashed prisoner Chalin - Enslaved by traders from Kaliphlin to She grew up in the grasslands of the Drow for over a year, he was fight in their brawl-pits for over a year, he was near the Darkwood Forest. rescued by Wyndor. rescued by Wyndor and Natolyth.
  15. I'm considering joining Mitgardia. However, I had a question first. If I make Mitgardia my home am I allowed to build scenes based in the other guilds? How does that work? Would that mean they get extra gold or that we just don't get any? Also, I've gathered that freebuilds get your guild gold. But can it be any kind of free build? Or does it have to follow certain guide lines? Any info would be appreciated.
  16. Thank you for your feedback. It's been really helpful. I'm exploring the rest of the guilds more closely before I make my choice now.
  17. I've been building for the Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka this past month and am looking for a way to work with my castle minifigs. This seems like a really good place to do it, but I was wondering if these will be similar in contest rules? I don't have a lot of tree pieces, white pieces, or tan pieces so that leaves me with Nocturnus. However, I'm still on the fence about joining GoH since I wouldn't be able to put as much time into it as I have for SoNE. Anyone want to convince me why I should join and what the best way to go about starting would be? (Besides making a sig-fig and race)
  18. Thanks for your feedback. I'll have to try that in future builds.
  19. I forgot to reply to this earlier. The gaps are due to running out of white pieces. I have lots of black and grey but very few other colors for bricks. Building in Cloud City really stretched the limits of my collection. But I was determined to build something in white so that's why there were some gaps. I think it's important to look beyond the movies. If it wasn't shown in the movies, as long as it fits in the Star Wars universe, I think it works for building material. Using only scenes from the movies seems to limit the building possibilities. And as we have seen from the Clone Wars cartoon and EU books, there is a lot more in the Star Wars universe that was never covered in the original films that can still be tapped. I guess I should have been more specific. My thinking was that because Cloud City is an orbital platform even levels lower down would still have large windows if they were on the edge of the platform. However, I completely misrepresented what I was trying to depict by having a picture of upper Cloud City as the scene beyond the window in my first picture. Whoops.
  20. I end up displaying for a few days before parting it out for my MOCs. Star Wars sets are a great way to get weapons, curve pieces, and mechanical colors. I also get them for the minifigs. Those stay on display for a verrrrrrrrrry long time.
  21. I tried to make it clear that my character had descended far enough for Luke's hand to be a logical inclusion. That was my intention at least... As far as stickers go, I hate them with a passion too. I think Lego should do more printing and less sticking. The only advantage is that I get more generic pieces when I don't apply my stickers. Which, is in all actuality, a huge plus. (Contradiction of my own thoughts, I know) For this build however, I felt that the stickers from the Jedi Shuttle fit cloud city so well I couldn't pass them up.
  22. I really like your dropship. Is the pilot based off of any specific alien species?
  23. I like the idea and the build, but the pictures are a little grainy. Do you have any clearer copies?
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